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English translation of '冲'



  1. important place
    ⇒ 战略要冲 (zhànlüè yàochōng) place of strategic importance

  1. (= 向前闯) rush forward
    ⇒ 横冲直撞 (héng chōng zhí zhuàng) push one's way through
  2. (= 猛撞) clash
    ⇒ 冲撞 (chōngzhuàng) collide
  3. (= ) pour boiling water on
    ⇒ 这药需用开水冲服。 (Zhè yào xū yòng kāishuǐ chōngfú.) This medicine should be taken mixed with boiled water.
  4. (= 冲洗) rinse
    ⇒ 冲一冲碗碟 (chōng yī chōng wǎn dié) rinse the dishes
  5. (指胶片) develop
    ⇒ 冲胶卷 (chōng jiāojuǎn) develop a roll of film
  6. (= 抵消) balance
    ⇒ 冲账 (chōngzhàng) balance the accounts
see also 冲(衝) (chòng)



  1. (指气味刺鼻) pungent
    ⇒ 大蒜味很冲。 (Dàsuàn wèi hěn chòng.) Garlic is very pungent.
  2. (= 劲儿足) vigorous
    ⇒ 他说话挺冲的。 (Tā shuōhuà tǐng chòng de.) He speaks quite bluntly.

  1. (= 对着) at
    ⇒ 他冲我做了个鬼脸。 (Tā chòng wǒ zuòle gè guǐliǎn.) He made a face at me.
    ⇒ 这些意见都是冲他提的。 (Zhèxiē yìjiàn dōu shì chòng tā tí de.) All the criticisms were aimed at him.
  2. (= ) because of
    ⇒ 顾客就是冲着这家超市的良好服务而来的。 (Gùkè jiùshì chòngzhe zhè jiā chāoshì de liánghǎo fúwù ér lái de.) Customers go to that supermarket because of the excellent service.

  1. (= 冲压) punch
  2. (, = 正对) face
    ⇒ 这道门冲南。 (Zhè dào mén chòng nán.) This door faces south.
see also 冲(衝) (chōng)

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Related terms of

  • 冲击
  • 冲刺
  • 冲剂
  • 冲动
  • 冲天




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