dialysis in which electrolytes are removed from a colloidal solution by a potential difference between two electrodes separated by one or more membranes
a type of dialysis in which undesired ions are removed from solution by means of a direct current passing between two electrodes, one on each side of the membrane
electrodialysis in Chemical Engineering
(Chemical Engineering: Reactors and separators)
Electrodialysis is a separation process in which ionic solutes are separated from an uncharged solute by passing them through a membrane.
Electrodialysis removes metal ions from solutions using a selective membrane, an electrical current,and electrodes.
Electrodialysis is used to remove ionized substances from liquids through ion-permeable membranes.
Electrodialysis is a separation process in which ionic solutes are separated from an uncharged soluteby passing them through a membrane.
Word builderelectro-The prefix electro- often appears in words connected with the use of electricity.