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English translation of '出'


  1. (与入相对) go out
    ⇒ 出国 (chūguó) go abroad
    ⇒ 出行 (chūxíng) go on a journey
    ⇒ 出游 (chūyóu) go sightseeing
  2. (= 来到) appear
    ⇒ 出庭 (chūtíng) appear in court
    ⇒ 刚出台的法律 (gāng chūtái de fǎlǜ) brand-new laws
  3. (= 超出) exceed
    ⇒ 出轨 (chūguǐ) derail
    ⇒ 不出3天货就到了。 (Bù chū sān tiān huò jiù dào le.) The goods arrived within three days.
  4. (= ) give out (pt gave) (pp given)
    ⇒ 出考题 (chū kǎotí) set an exam paper
    ⇒ 他为此出了很多力。 (Tā wèi cǐ chūle hěn duō lì.) He put a lot of effort into this.
  5. (= 产生) produce
    ⇒ 这个学校出优秀教师。 (Zhège xuéxiào chū yōuxiù jiàoshī.) This college produces excellent teachers.
  6. (= 发生) occur
    ⇒ 出事 (chūshì) have an accident
  7. (= 发出) come out (pt came) (pp come)
    ⇒ 出血 (chūxiě) bleed
    ⇒ 出汗 (chūhàn) sweat
  8. (= 显露) appear
    ⇒ 出名 (chūmíng) become famous
  9. (= 支出) pay out (pt, pp paid)
    ⇒ 量入为出 (liàng rù wéi chū) spend what one earns

Nearby words of

  • 抽样
  • 臭氧

Related terms of

  • 出丑
  • 出世
  • 出产
  • 出任
  • 出众




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