An odometer is a device in a vehicle which shows how far the vehicle has travelled.
[mainly US]
odometer in British English
(ɒˈdɒmɪtə, əʊ-)
US and Canadian
a device that records the number of miles that a bicycle or motor vehicle has travelled
Also called: mileometer
Derived forms
odometry (oˈdometry)
Word origin
C18 hodometer, from Greek hodos way + -meter
odometer in American English
an instrument for measuring the distance traveled by a vehicle
Word origin
Fr odomètre < Gr hodometros < hodos, way (see -ode1) + metron, measure
odometer in Automotive Engineering
(oʊdɒmɪtər) or mileometer
Word forms: (regular plural) odometers
(Automotive engineering: Vehicle components, Bodywork, controls, and accessories)
An odometer is a device in a vehicle which shows how far the vehicle has traveled.
There were over 10,000 kilometers on the odometer.
Older vehicles with higher odometer readings will require a full service.
Potential buyers should not trust odometer readings. Instead they should check that the wear and tear on the vehicle is consistentwith the claimed mileage.
Word builder-meterThe suffix meter is often used for devices that measure things.
Examples of 'odometer' in a sentence
But the Saturn was almost vibrating as its odometer needle climbed.