the cgs unit of magnetic field strength; the field strength that would cause a unit magnetic pole to experience a force of 1 dyne in a free space. It is equivalent to 79.58 amperes per metre
Symbol: Oe
OE in British English
abbreviation for
Old English (language)
Oë in British English
Kenzaburo (kɛnzəˈbʊrəʊ). born 1935, Japanese novelist and writer; his books include The Catch (1958), A Personal Matter (1964), and Silent Cry (1989): Nobel prize for literature 1994
o.e. in British English
abbreviation for
omissions excepted
OE in American English
Old English
Oe in American English
oe in American English1
a whirlwind near the Faeroe Islands
Word origin
< Faeroese othi < othur, raging < ON other
oe in American English2
omissions excepted
oe- in American English
an earlier variant spelling for many words of Greek and Latin origin now usually written with initial e-