the son of Laius and Jocasta, the king and queen of Thebes, who killed his father, being unaware of his identity, and unwittingly married his mother, by whom he had four children. When the truth was revealed, he put out his eyes and Jocasta killed herself
Oedipus in American English
(ˈɛdɪpəs; ˈidɪpəs)
Greek Mythology
the son of Laius and Jocasta, king and queen of Thebes, who, raised by the king ofCorinth, later returns to Thebes and unwittingly kills his father and marries his mother
Word origin
L < Gr Oidipous (< oidein, to swell + pous, foot: lit., swollen foot)
Examples of 'Oedipus' in a sentence
It's a sticky soap opera that makes Neighbours look like Oedipus Rex.
West, Charles STAGE FRIGHT (2000)
Sophocles ' Oedipus Rex, for example, deals with something so psychologically basic that people from all cultures can respond to it.