

单词 elitism

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Examples of 'elitism' in a sentence

But the horsey sports and the horsey world are no more about social elitism than football.There is a difference between excellence and elitism.Does he want to stamp out elitism or promote excellence?There's a perceived elitism and something aloof about him.Their results remain strong; their ethos is unchanged minus the old social elitism; and none of them would think of going back.

In other languages

British English: elitism NOUN
Elitism is the quality or practice of being elitist.
Will severe selection standards create elitism and threaten the Olympic ethic of participation?
  • American English: elitism
  • Brazilian Portuguese: elitismo
  • Chinese: 精英主义
  • European Spanish: elitismo
  • French: élitisme
  • German: Elitismus
  • Italian: elitismo
  • Japanese: エリート主義
  • Korean: 엘리트주의
  • European Portuguese: elitismo
  • Latin American Spanish: elitismo





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