plot against ⇒ 他总是暗算别人。 Tā zǒngshì ànsuàn biérén. → He's always plotting against people. ⇒ 他常常遭人暗算。 Tā chángcháng zāo rén ànsuàn. → He frequently falls prey to other people's machinations.
( 账目 ) settle
work ... out ⇒ 数学课上,老师让我们演算了10道题。 Shùxuékè shang, lǎoshī ràng wǒmen yǎnsuànle shí dào tí. → In the maths class the teacher made us work out ten problems.
( 计算账目 ) work out accounts ⇒ 年底一算账,他赚了1万多元。 Niándǐ yī suànzhàng, tā zhuànle yī wàn duō yuán. → When he worked out his accounts at the end of the year, he had earned over ten thousand yuan.
settle up ⇒ 你先付账,事后我们再结算。 Nǐ xiān fùzhàng, shìhòu wǒmen zài jiésuàn. → You pay the bill, and we can settle up later.
⇒ 我们教练老谋深算,善于利用对手的弱点。 Wǒmen jiàoliàn lǎo móu shēn suàn, shànyú lìyòng duìshǒu de ruòdiǎn. → Our coach is a wise old bird — he's good at using the opponents' weaknesses.
English translation of '算'
(= 计算) calculate
(= 计算进去) count
(= 谋划) plan
⇒ 暗算 (ànsuàn) plot against
(= 当做) be considered as
(= 由某人负责) blame
(= 算数) count
(= 作罢)
⇒ 算了吧! (Suànle ba!) Forget it!
⇒ 算了吧,这些小事我们就不要再管了。 (Suànle ba, zhèxiē xiǎoshì wǒmen jiù bùyào zài guǎn le.) Forget it, we needn't worry about these small details.
⇒ 这工作今天做不完就算了,明天再说。 (Zhè gōngzuò jīntiān zuò bù wán jiù suàn le, míngtiān zài shuō.) Let's leave it for today and try again tomorrow.
(= 推测) suppose
⇒ 几个朋友中算他最有钱。 (Jǐ gè péngyou zhōng suàn tā zuì yǒuqián.) He must be the richest of that group of friends.
⇒ 全班算他最小。 (Quánbān suàn tā zuì xiǎo.) He has to be the youngest in the class.