a high official in certain Muslim countries, esp in the former Ottoman Empire. Viziers served in various capacities, such as that of provincial governor or chief minister to the sultan
Derived forms
vizierial (viˈzierial) or vizirial (viˈzirial)
viziership (viˈziership)
Word origin
C16: from Turkish vezīr, from Arabic wazīr porter, from wazara to bear a burden
vizier in American English
(vɪˈzɪr; ˈvɪzjər)
in the Ottoman Empire, a high officer in the government; esp., a minister of state
Turk vezīr < Ar wazīr, a vizier, lit., bearer of burdens < wazara, to bear a burden, take upon oneself: the vizier bears the duties actually incumbentupon the ruler
Examples of 'vizier' in a sentence
The vizier, whose thoughts were always quick, told the king to ask whether this fish was a male or a female.
Shah, Idries KARA KUSH (1992)
He reasoned that the king and the vizier were trying to fob him off.
Shah, Idries KARA KUSH (1992)
It was grand enough, Davis thought, for a vizier, a judge, a high priest, at the very least.
Silverberg, Robert THEBES OF THE HUNDRED GATES (1992)