any usually flat platelike structure at the end of something
2. physiology
the flattened end of a motor nerve fibre, which transmits impulses to muscle
Examples of 'endplate' in a sentence
However, the underlying molecular mechanism for the degeneration of cartilaginous endplate remains elusive.
Ke Chen, Xiaohua Lv, Wei Li, Fei Yu, Jianjing Lin, Junxuan Ma, Deming Xiao 2017, 'Autophagy Is a Protective Response to the Oxidative Damage to Endplate Chondrocytesin Intervertebral Disc: Implications for the Treatment of Degenerative Lumbar Disc',Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Segments did not fuse but showed osteophyte formation as well as endplate sclerosis.
Peter Grunert, Yu Moriguchi, Brian P. Grossbard, Rodolfo J. Ricart Arbona, LawrenceJ. Bonassar, Roger Härtl 2017, 'Degenerative changes of the canine cervical spine after discectomy procedures, anin vivo study', BMC Veterinary Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The endplate area of the biceps muscle was larger and the structure was clear.
Wen-Lai Guo, Zhi-Ping Qi, Li Yu, Tian-Wen Sun, Wen-Rui Qu, Qian-Qian Liu, Zhe Zhu,Rui Li 2019, 'Melatonin combined with chondroitin sulfate ABC promotes nerve regeneration afterroot-avulsion brachial plexus injury', Neural Regeneration Research;year=2019;volume=14;issue=2;spage=328;epage=338;aulast=Guo. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
A significant association was found between radiculopathy and decreased lumbar lordosis and vertebral endplate changes.
Rupesh Sharma, Awadhesh Tiwari, Rajeev Dwivedi 2018, 'Pattern of Lumbar MRI Changes in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain in a TertiaryCare Center', Journal of Lumbini Medical College Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Subjects were also evaluated for a postoperative endplate injury.
Yasuhiro Shiga, Sumihisa Orita, Kazuhide Inage, Jun Sato, Kazuki Fujimoto, HirohitoKanamoto, Koki Abe, Go Kubota, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Yawara Eguchi, Masahiro Inoue, HideyukiKinoshita, Yasuchika Aoki, Junichi Nakamura, Yusuke Matsuura, Richard Hynes, TakeoFuruya, Masao Koda, Kazuhisa Takahashi, Seiji Ohtori 2017, 'Evaluation of the location of intervertebral cages during oblique lateral interbodyfusion surgery to achieve sagittal correction', Spine Surgery and Related Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
These cells can stimulate axon growth and motor endplate formation, also prevent muscle atrophy.
Gholam Hossein Farjah, Farzaneh Fazli, Mojtaba Karimipour, Bagher Pourheidar, BehnamHeshmatian, Maryam Pourheidar 2018, 'The effect of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells on recovery of skeletal muscle afterneurotization surgery in rat', Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Endplate reduction was achieved in all cases (mean surgery time: 28.5 minutes).
Anica Eschler, Stephan Albrecht Ender, Benjamin Ulmar, Philipp Herlyn, Thomas Mittlmeier,Georg Gradl 2014, 'Cementless Fixation of Osteoporotic VCFs Using Titanium Mesh Implants (OsseoFix):Preliminary Results', BioMed Research International Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Endplate calcification or sclerosis was histologically confirmed; histologic score was correlated with the age.
Hui Li, Jia-zhi Yan, Yong-jie Chen, Wei-bo Kang, Jia-xi Huang 2017, 'Non-invasive quantification of age-related changes in the vertebral endplate in ratsusing in vivo DCE-MRI', Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Quality assessment of endplate reinnervation was combined with video-based vibrissal function analysis.
Kirsten Haastert, Maria Grosheva, Srebrina K. Angelova, Orlando Guntinas-Lichius,Emmanouil Skouras, Joern Michael, Claudia Grothe, Sarah A. Dunlop, Doychin N. Angelov 2009, 'Schwann Cells Overexpressing FGF-2 Alone or Combined with Manual Stimulation Do NotPromote Functional Recovery after Facial Nerve Injury', Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Symptomatic therapies aim at increasing the concentration of acetylcholine at the muscle endplate.
Lindquist S, Stangel M 2011, 'Update on treatment options for Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome: focuson use of amifampridine', Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (