An omelet is a type of food made by beating eggs and cooking them in a flat frying pan.
...a cheese omelet.
omelet in American English
(ˈɑmlət; ˈɑmələt) or ˈomelette (ˈɑmlət; ˈɑmələt)
a dish consisting of beaten eggs, seasonings, etc., cooked or baked in a flat mass and usually served folded over, often with a filling of jelly, cheese, or mushrooms
Word origin
Fr omelette, earlier amelette, by metathesis < alemette < alemelle < L lamella, small plate: see lamella
omelet in Hospitality
(ɒmlɪt) or omelette
Word forms: (regular plural) omelets
(Hospitality (hotel): Food and drink, breakfast)
An omelet is a type of food made by beating eggs and cooking them in a flat frying pan.
Eggs can be made into an omelet with cheese.
The kitchen staff were busy breaking eggs and frying omelets.
For breakfast, guests can choose boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, or a ham or mushroomomelet.
Examples of 'omelet' in a sentence
"Come on," Will said, setting down his omelet in case there was an escalation in hostilities.
Clive Barker SACRAMENT (2001)
So she simply ignored him and went back to eating the omelet Archer had prepared.