a state of the southern US: mountainous in the north and west, with the alluvial plain of the Mississippi in the east; has the only diamond mine in the US; agriculture, food processing, and aerospace industries. Capital: Little Rock. Pop: 2 725 714 (2003 est). Area: 134 537 sq km (51 945 sqmiles)
Abbreviation: Ark. or (with zip code) AR
2. (ɑːˈkænzəs)
a river in the S central US, rising in central Colorado and flowing east and southeast to join the Mississippi in Arkansas. Length: 2335 km (1450 miles)
Arkansas in American English
state of the SC U.S.: admitted, 1836: 52,068 sq mi (134,856 sq km); pop. 2,673,000; cap. Little Rock
abbrev. AR or Ark
river flowing from Colorado southeast into the Mississippi: 1,450 mi (2,333 km)
Word origin
< Fr (la rivière des) Arkansas < Illinois Akansea, Akansa, Quapaw (a Siouan people of this river valley)