noun1. a. a hollow projectile containing an explosive, incendiary, or other destructive substance, esp one carried by aircraft
b. (as modifier)
bomb disposal
a bomb bay
c. (in combination)
a bombload
2. any container filled with explosive
a car bomb
a letter bomb
3. the bomb
4. a round or pear-shaped mass of volcanic rock, solidified from molten lava that has been thrown into the air
5. medicine a container for radioactive material, applied therapeutically to any part of the body
a cobalt bomb
6. British slang a large sum of money (esp in the phrase make a bomb)
7. US and Canadian slang a disastrous failure
the new play was a total bomb
8. Australian and New Zealand slang an old or dilapidated motorcar
9. American football a very long high pass
10. (in rugby union) another term for up-and-under
11. like a bomb
verb12. to attack with or as if with a bomb or bombs; drop bombs (on)
13. (intr; often foll by off, along, etc) informal to move or drive very quickly
14. (intransitive) slang to fail disastrously; be a flop
the new play bombed
Word origin
C17: from French
bombe, from Italian
bomba, probably from Latin
bombus a booming sound, from Greek
bombos, of imitative origin; compare Old Norse
bumba drum