An onion is a round vegetable with a brown skin that grows underground. It has many white layers on its inside which have a strong, sharp smell and taste.
Will you chop an onion up for me?
It is made with fresh minced meat, cooked with onion and a rich tomato sauce.
...onion soup.
onion in British English
an alliaceous plant, Allium cepa, having greenish-white flowers: cultivated for its rounded edible bulb
the bulb of this plant, consisting of concentric layers of white succulent leaf bases with a pungent odour and taste
any of several related plants similar to A. cepa, such as A. fistulosum (Welsh onion)
4. know one's onions
Derived forms
oniony (ˈoniony)
Word origin
C14: via Anglo-Norman from Old French oignon, from Latin unio onion, related to union
onion in American English
a plant (Allium cepa) of the lily family, having an edible bulb with a strong, sharp smell and taste
the bulb of this plant, formed of close, concentric layers of leaf bases
any of various related plants
Word origin
ME oynon < OFr oignon < L unio (gen. unionis), oneness, unity, also a kind of single onion: see union
onion in Hospitality
Word forms: (regular plural) onions
(Hospitality (hotel): Food and drink, vegetables)
An onion is a round vegetable with a light brown skin. It has many white layers on its insidewhich have a strong, sharp smell and taste.
COLLOCATIONS: fry ~chop ~peel ~
Finely chop the onion, and add it to the pan with the garlic.
Remove the outer layers of the onions before you chop them.
Cooking reduces the strong flavor of vegetables such as onions.