A sickle is a tool that is used for cutting grass and grain crops. It has a short handle and a long curved blade.
sickle in British English
an implement for cutting grass, corn, etc, having a curved blade and a short handle
Word origin
Old English sicol, from Latin sēcula; related to secāre to cut
sickle in American English
a tool consisting of a crescent-shaped blade with a short handle: used for cutting down tall grasses and weeds
Word origin
ME sikel < OE sicol (akin to Ger sichel) < early WGmc borrowing < L secula < secare, to cut: see saw1
Examples of 'sickle' in a sentence
Azambai reached into his pocket and took out the red booklet with its gold hammer and sickle embossed on the front.
Shah, Idries KARA KUSH (2004)
Had he once been the young man with the sickle in the pleasant garden?
Aldiss, Brian SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE (2004)
She made the sign of the hammer and sickle as she slowly walked on.
Paullina Simons THE BRONZE HORSEMAN (2004)
Word lists with
In other languages
British English: sickle NOUN
A sickle is a tool that is used for cutting grass and grain crops. It has a short handle and a long curved blade.
American English: sickle
Brazilian Portuguese: foice
Chinese: 镰刀
European Spanish: hoz
French: faucille
German: Sichel
Italian: falcetto
Japanese: 鎌
Korean: 낫
European Portuguese: foice
Latin American Spanish: hoz
All related terms of 'sickle'
sickle bar
a mowing device, as in a harvesting machine, consisting of a heavy bar which supports and protects the cutting blade or blades
sickle medick
a small Eurasian leguminous plant, Medicago falcata, having trifoliate leaves, yellow flowers, and sickle-shaped pods
sickle feather
any of the elongated tail feathers of certain birds, esp the domestic cock
hammer and sickle
the emblem on the flag of the former Soviet Union , representing the industrial workers and the peasants respectively
sickle cell anemia
an inherited chronic anemia found chiefly among blacks , characterized by an abnormal red blood cell ( sickle cell ) containing a defective form of hemoglobin that causes the cell to become sickle-shaped when deprived of oxygen
sickle cell trait
the heterozygous condition of having one gene for sickle cell hemoglobin and one for normal hemoglobin: ordinarily this does not cause anemia or sicklemia
sickle-cell anaemia
Sickle-cell anaemia is an inherited illness in which the red blood cells become curved , causing a number of health problems .
yellow medick
a small Eurasian leguminous plant, Medicago falcata, having trifoliate leaves, yellow flowers, and sickle-shaped pods