Folke (ˈfɔlke), Count. 1895–1948, Swedish diplomat, noted for his work with the Red Cross during World War II and as United Nations mediator in Palestine (1948). He was assassinated by Jewish terrorists
2. (ˈbɜːnəˌdɒt, French bɛrnadɔt)
Jean Baptiste Jules (ʒɑ̃ batist ʒyl). 1764–1844, French marshal under Napoleon; king of Norway and Sweden (1818–44) as Charles XIV
Bernadotte in American English
(ˈbɜrnəˌdɑt; French bɛʀnaˈdɔt)
Jean Bapˈtiste Jules (ʒɑ̃ baˈtist ʒyl) 1763-1844; Fr. marshal under Napoleon I: as Charles XIV John he was king of Sweden& Norway (1818-44)