Claude (klod). 1813–78, French physiologist, noted for his research on the action of secretions of the alimentary canal and the glycogenic function of the liver
2. (ˈbɜːnəd)
Saint, known as Bernard of Menthon and the Apostle of the Alps. 923–1008, French monk who founded hospices in the Alpine passes. Feast day: Aug 20
Bernard in American English1
(bərˈnɑrd; ˈbɜrnərd)
a masculine name: dim. Barney, Bernie; var. Barnard; equiv. Ger. Bernhard
Word origin
OFr < OHG Berinhard, lit., bold as a bear < bero, bear2 + hart, bold, hard
Bernard in American English2
Claude (kloʊd) 1813-78; Fr. physiologist
All related terms of 'Bernard'
St. Bernard
→ Saint Bernard ( dog )
Saint Bernard
a large breed of dog with a dense red-and-white coat, formerly used as a rescue dog in mountainous areas
Bernard of Menthon
Saint (11th cent .); Fr. monk who founded hospices in the Swiss Alps : his day is May 28
Saint Bernard Pass
either of two passes over the Alps : the Great St Bernard Pass 2473 m (8114 ft) high, east of Mont Blanc between Italy and Switzerland , or the Little St Bernard Pass 2188 m (7178 ft) high, south of Mont Blanc between Italy and France
Bernard of Clairvaux
Saint . ?1090–1153, French abbot and theologian , who founded the stricter branch of the Cistercians in 1115
Great St Bernard Pass
a pass over the W Alps , between SW central Switzerland and N Italy : noted for the hospice at the summit , founded in the 11th century. Height : 2473 m (8114 ft)
Little St Bernard Pass
a pass over the Savoy Alps , between Bourg-Saint-Maurice, France , and La Thuile, Italy : 11th-century hospice . Height : 2188 m (7178 ft)