释义 |
View usage for: (oʊpaɪn) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense opines, present participle opining, past tense, past participle opinedverbTo opine means to express your opinion. [formal] 'She's probably had a row with her boyfriend,' Charles opined. [VERB with quote] He opined that the navy would have to start again from the beginning. [VERB that] [Also V + on/about]Synonyms: suggest, say, think, believe More Synonyms of opine (əʊˈpaɪn) verb(when tr, usually takes a clause as object) to hold or express an opinion he opined that it was all a mistake Word origin C16: from Latin opīnārīopine in American English (oʊˈpaɪn) verb transitive, verb intransitiveWord forms: oˈpined or oˈpining to hold or express (an opinion); think; suppose now usually said, with satirical or judgmental force, of a speaker regarded as pedantic,pompous, etc. Word origin MFr opiner < L opinari, to think: see opinion Examples of 'opine' in a sentenceopine We have done some research on age trends and I have opined on the subject earlier.A number of people have opined about the future of clearing various securities in a Europe of which the structure is as yet far from clear. Definition to hold or express an opinion (formal) `He's probably just tired,' she opined. Synonyms judge declare ween (poetic) give as your opinion Additional synonymsDefinition to think, assume, or suppose I believe you have something of mine. Synonyms think, consider, judge, suppose, maintain, estimate, imagine, assume, gather, guess (informal), reckon, conclude, deem, speculate, presume, conjecture, postulate (formal), surmiseDefinition to decide by reasoning We concluded that he was telling the truth. Synonyms decide, judge, establish, suppose, determine, assume, gather, reckon (informal), work out, infer, deduce, surmiseDefinition to form (an opinion or conclusion) from incomplete evidence This may or may not be true; we are all conjecturing here. Synonyms guess, speculate, surmise, theorize, suppose, imagine, assume, fancy, infer, hypothesize, suspect- operative
- operator
- opiate
- opine
- opinion
- opinion poll
- opinionated
Additional synonymsDefinition to express or indicate by a hint Are you implying that I had something to do with this? Synonyms suggest, hint, insinuate, indicate, signal, intimate, signify, connote, give (someone) to understand Definition to make (something) known in an indirect way She intimated that she was contemplating leaving the company. Synonyms suggest, indicate, hint, imply, warn, allude, let it be known, insinuate, give (someone) to understand, drop a hint, tip (someone) the wink (British, informal) Definition to take (something) for granted I presume you're here on business. Synonyms believe, think, suppose, assume, guess (informal), take it, take for granted, infer, conjecture, postulate (formal), surmise, posit, presupposeI don't know how long it lasted but I'd say it was about a quarter of an hour. Synonyms estimate, suppose, guess, conjecture, surmise, dare say, hazard a guessDefinition to presume (something) to be true without certain knowledge The problem was more complex than he supposed. Synonyms think, imagine, expect, judge, assume, guess (informal), calculate (US, dialect), presume, take for granted, infer, conjecture, surmise, dare say, opine (formal), presuppose, take as read Definition to guess (something) from incomplete or uncertain evidence She surmised that they had discovered one of the illegal streets. Synonyms guess, suppose, imagine, presume, consider, suspect, conclude, fancy, speculate, infer, deduce, come to the conclusion, conjecture, opine (formal), hazard a guessDefinition to consider, judge, or believe I think he'll do a great job for us. Synonyms anticipate, expect, figure (US, informal), suppose, imagine, guess (informal), reckon (informal), presume, envisage, foresee, surmiseDefinition to dare to express (an opinion) We were warned not to make fools of ourselves by venturing an opinion. Synonyms put forward, offer, suggest, present, air, table (British), advance, propose, volunteer, submit, bring up, postulate (formal), proffer, broach, posit, moot, propound, dare to say Definition to give (information) willingly Natalie volunteered an ingenious suggestion. Synonyms suggest, advance, put forward, venture, tender |