any member of the Eukarya, a domain of organisms having cells each with a distinct nucleus within which the genetic material is contained. Eukaryotes include protoctists, fungi, plants, and animals
Compare prokaryote
Derived forms
eukaryotic or eucaryotic (ˌjuːkærɪˈɒtɪk)
Word origin
from eu- + karyo- + -ote as in zygote
eukaryote in American English
a living organism made up of cells with true nuclei that divide by mitosis: in some systems of biological classification, any of a superkingdom (Eukaryotae) of living organisms, including the plants and animals
see also prokaryote
Derived forms
eukaryotic (euˌkaryˈotic) (juˈkæriˈɑtɪk)
Word origin
< Gr eu-, good + karyōtis, a date < karyon, a nut, fruit stone, kernel