If someone signs off, they write a final message at the end of a letter or they say a final message at the end of a phone conversation. You can say that people such as entertainers sign off when they finish a broadcast.
O.K. I'll sign off. We'll talk at the beginning of the week. [VERBPARTICLE]
He would sign off each week with the catch-phrase, 'I'll see thee!' [VERBPARTICLE]
2. phrasal verb
When someone who has been unemployed signs off, they officially inform the authorities that they have found a job, so that they no longer receive money from the government.
If you work without signing off the dole, you are breaking the law. [VERBPARTICLE noun]
See full dictionary entry for sign
sign off in British English
1. (intransitive)
to announce the end of a radio or television programme, esp at the end of a day
2. (intransitive) bridge
to make a conventional bid indicating to one's partner that one wishes the bidding to stop
3. (transitive)
to withdraw or retire from (an activity)
4. (transitive; often foll by on)
to give final approval to (a decision or action)
5. (transitive)
(of a doctor) to declare (someone) unfit for work, because of illness
6. (intransitive) British
to terminate one's claim to unemployment benefit
sign off in American English
to withdraw, as from some responsibility or connection
to cease radio or television broadcasting, esp. at the end of the day
c. informal
to become silent
He had exhausted conversation topics and signed off
to indicate one's approval explicitly if not formally
The president is expected to sign off on the new agreement
See full dictionary entry for sign
Examples of 'sign off' in a sentence
sign off
Hubert Conroy giving him this inflated opinion of himself didn't help Sel strike the right attitude when we went to sign off.
Laurie Graham MR STARLIGHT (2004)
He settled at his desk and began to complete his own paperwork in time to sign off that of his subordinates before they sailed.
Lunnon-Wood, Mike LET NOT THE DEEP
You're going to give me a full day's work in proper office apparel, or I am not going to sign off on your separation check.
Michael Gruber TROPIC OF NIGHT (2003)
Chinese translation of 'sign off'
sign off
(Rad, TV) 结(結)束播放 (jiéshù bōfàng)
(in letter) 就此搁(擱)笔(筆) (jiùcǐ gēbǐ)
(Brit, as unemployed) 退出失业(業)救济(濟) (tuìchū shīyè jiùjì)
See sign
Nearby words of
sign off
sign for
sign in
sign language
sign off
sign on
sign out
sign over
All related terms of 'sign off'
sign up
( for job, course, trip etc ) 签(簽)约(約)受雇(僱) qiānyuē shòugù
sign over
▶ to sign sth over to sb 将(將)某物签(簽)约(約)转(轉)让(讓)给(給)某人 jiāng mǒuwù qiānyuē zhuǎnràng gěi mǒurén
sign out
( from hotel etc ) 签(簽)名离(離)开(開) qiānmíng líkāi
sign on
( as unemployed ) 申请(請)失业(業)救济(濟) shēnqǐng shīyè jiùjì