a stormy wind from the north or northeast that occurs in the Levant, which caused the ship in which St Paul was travelling to be wrecked (Acts 27:14)
any stormy wind
Word origin
C17: from Greek eurokludōn, from EurosEurus + Greek akulōn (unattested) north wind, from Latin aquilō
Euroclydon in American English
(juˈrɑklɪˌdɑn; juˈrɑklɪdən)
1. Bible
a stormy northeast wind of the Mediterranean: Acts 27:14
any stormy wind
Word origin
Gr(Ec) euroklydōn, prob. in error (as if < euros, east wind + klydōn, wave, billow), for eurakylōn, a northeast wind < euros (see Eurus) + L aquilo, the north (or north-by-east) wind < aquilus, dark, stormy, orig., watery < aqua, water