a town in N central England, in S Nottinghamshire. Pop: 37 402 (2001)
Arnold in British English2
Sir Malcolm. 1921–2006, English composer, esp of orchestral works in a traditional idiom
Matthew. 1822–88, English poet, essayist, and literary critic, noted particularly for his poems Sohrab and Rustum (1853) and Dover Beach (1867), and for his Essays in Criticism (1865) and Culture and Anarchy (1869)
his father, Thomas. 1795–1842, English historian and educationalist, headmaster of Rugby School, noted for his reforms in public-school education
Arnold in American English1
a masculine name
Word origin
Ger < OHG Aranold < Gmc *Arnwald, lit., strong as an eagle < *aran, eagle (> MLowG arn: see erne) + *waltan, to rule (> Ger walten: see wield) > ML Arnoldus, Fr Arnaud, ME Arnett
Arnold in American English2
Benedict1741-1801; Am. Revolutionary general who became a traitor