any of various soft earthy rocks that resemble or are derived from basaltic rocks
Word origin
C18: from German: rock, gravel, basalt
Examples of 'wacke' in a sentence
The main sedimentary rock types were identified (conglomerates, wacke and lithic sandstones, clays, and marls).
Erika Suciu-Krausz, Ramona Bălc, Florin Borbei 2006, 'New data on the Western Transylvanides along the Ampoi Valley (Southern Apuseni Mts.,Romania)', Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai: Geologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
In addition, they are compositionally immature and can be classified as feldspathic wacke and lithic wacke.
Baiyegunhi Christopher, Liu Kuiwu, Gwavava Oswald 2017, 'Modal composition and tectonic provenance of the sandstones of Ecca Group, Karoo Supergroupin the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa', Open Geosciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (