relating to corrective procedures designed to promote healthy development
of or relating to orthogenesis
Derived forms
orthogenically (ˌorthoˈgenically)
orthogenic in American English
1. Psychology
of, concerned with, or providing corrective treatment for mentally retarded or seriously disturbed children
orthogenic class
Word origin
[ortho- + -genic]ortho- is a combining form occurring in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “straight,”“upright,” “right,” “correct” (orthodox) and on this model used in the formation of compound words (orthopedic). Other words that use the affix ortho- include: orthogonal, orthokeratology, orthophosphoric acid, orthophyric, orthoscope; -genic is a combining form often corresponding to nouns ending in -gen or -geny, with the following senses: “producing or causing” (hallucinogenic); “produced or caused by” (cosmogenic); “pertaining to a gene or genes” (polygenic); “pertaining to suitability for reproduction by a medium” (telegenic)