in succession ⇒ 去年,他的爷爷、奶奶相继去世了。 Qùnián, tā de yéye, nǎinai xiāngjì qùshì le. → Last year his grandfather and grandmother died one after the other.
( 遗产、文化等 ) inherit
continue ⇒ 你们要继续努力。 Nǐmen yào jìxù nǔlì. → You must continue to work hard. ⇒ 我们继续昨天的话题接着谈。 Wǒmen jìxù zuótiān de huàtí jiēzhe tán. → We'll continue with the topic we discussed yesterday. ⇒ 身体痊愈后,他继续工作。 Shēntǐ quányù hòu, tā jìxù gōngzuò. → After he recovered he went back to work. ⇒ 我们继续往下读。 Wǒmen jìxù wǎng xià dú. → Let's read on.
then ⇒ 他先是一愣,继而大笑。 Tā xiān shì yī lèng, jì'ér dà xiào. → At first he was taken aback — then he burst out laughing.
adopt ⇒ 他从小就过继给了他的叔叔。 Tā cóngxiǎo jiù guòjì gěile tā de shūshu. → He was adopted by his uncle when he was little.
day and night ⇒ 加固堤坝的工程夜以继日地进行着。 Jiāgù dībà de gōngchéng yè yǐ jì rì de jìnxíng zhe. → Work on reinforcing the dam continued day and night.