containing one or more osmoles per litre of solution
Examples of 'osmolar' in a sentence
A non-ionic, low-osmolar contrast material was used.
Morteza Arabmomeni, Jamshid Najafian, Morteza Abdar Esfahani, Mohsen Samadi, LeilaMirbagher 2015, 'Comparison between theophylline, N-acetylcysteine, and theophylline plus N-acetylcysteinefor the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy', ARYA Atherosclerosis Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Six aqueous-based gels were hyperosmolar, two were nearly iso-osmolar, and two were hypo-osmolar.
Charlene S Dezzutti, Elizabeth R Brown, Bernard Moncla, Julie Russo, Marilyn Cost,Lin Wang, Kevin Uranker, Ratiya P Kunjara Na Ayudhya, Kara Pryke, Jim Pickett, Marc-AndréLeblanc, Lisa C Rohan 2012, 'Is wetter better? An evaluation of over-the-counter personal lubricants for safetyand anti-HIV-1 activity.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
During irradiation, iso-osmolar 0.1% riboflavin drops were applied every 5 minutes.
Belquiz Amaral Nassaralla, Diogo Mafia Vieira, Márcia Leite Machado, Marisa NovaesFaleiro Chaves de Figueiredo, João Jorge Nassaralla Jr 2013, 'Corneal thickness changes during corneal collagen cross-linking with UV-A irradiationand hypo-osmolar riboflavin in thin corneas', Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Iso-osmolar cross-linking resulted in a decrease in tissue hydration in the swollen normal corneas only.
Sally Hayes, Craig Boote, Christina S Kamma-Lorger, Madhavan S Rajan, Jonathan Harris,Erin Dooley, Nicholas Hawksworth, Jennifer Hiller, Nick J Terill, Farhad Hafezi, ArunK Brahma, Andrew J Quantock, Keith M Meek 2011, 'Riboflavin/UVA collagen cross-linking-induced changes in normal and keratoconus cornealstroma.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
After hypo-osmolar 0.1% riboflavin drops, mean thinnest corneal thickness increased to 418 ± 11 µm.
Belquiz Amaral Nassaralla, Diogo Mafia Vieira, Márcia Leite Machado, Marisa NovaesFaleiro Chaves de Figueiredo, João Jorge Nassaralla Jr 2013, 'Corneal thickness changes during corneal collagen cross-linking with UV-A irradiationand hypo-osmolar riboflavin in thin corneas', Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Contrast agents were iso- or low osmolar.
Bassam G. Abu Jawdeh, Bassam G. Abu Jawdeh, Anthony C. Leonard, Yuvraj Sharma, SwapnaKatipally, Adele R. Shields, Rita R. Alloway, E. Steve Woodle, Charuhas V. Thakar,Charuhas V. Thakar 2017, 'Contrast-Induced Nephropathy in Renal Transplant Recipients: A Single Center Experience',Frontiers in Medicine Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Stenting procedure was performed via transfemoral approach using low osmolar contrast agents.
Ali Reza Khosravi, Masoud Pourmoghadas, Mohammad Ostovan, Gilda Kiani Mehr, MojganGharipour, Habib Zakeri, Bahram Soleimani, Mehrdad Namdari, Mehdi Hassanzadeh, AliAkbar Tavassoli, Samad Ghaffari, Arsalan Khaledifar, Farshad Roghani, Mohammad RezaKhosravi, Shahrooz Sarami, Javad Kojouri, Fatemeh Nori, Elham Khosravi, Mahnaz Jozan,Nizal Sarrafzadegan 2011, 'The impact of generic form of Clopidogrel on cardiovascular events in patients withcoronary artery stent: results of the OPCES study', Journal of Research in Medical Sciences;year=2011;volume=16;issue=5;spage=640;epage=650;aulast=Khosravi. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The samples were fixed with modified iso-osmolar aldehyde solution followed by osmium post-fixation.
Petra Nussdorfer, Ines Cilenšek, Branko Zorn, Daniel Petrovič 2018, 'Adapted methods for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in assessment of human spermmorphology', Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
There was no alteration in osmolar clearance and in fractional excretion of sodium.
Joel Paulo R. Veiga, Rashida Khanam, Tânia T. Rosa, Luiz F. Junqueira Jr., PlínioC. Brant, Alberto N. Raick, Horacio Friedman, Phillip D. Marsden 1990, 'Pentavalent antimonial nephrotoxicity in the rat Disfunção tubular renal em ratostratados com antimoniais pentavalentes', Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
A nonionic, iso-osmolar contrast material was used.
Zohreh Sedighifard, Farshad Roghani, Peyman Bidram, Samaneh Aalami Harandi, SafiehMolavi 2016, 'Silymarin for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy: A placebo-controlledclinical trial', International Journal of Preventive Medicine;year=2016;volume=7;issue=1;spage=23;epage=23;aulast=Sedighifard. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (