An alliance is a group of countries or political parties that are formally united and working together because they have similar aims.
The two parties were still too much apart to form an alliance.
Synonyms: union, league, association, agreement More Synonyms of alliance
2. countable noun [oft inNwith n]
An alliance is a relationship in which two countries, political parties, or organizations work together for somepurpose.
The trend has led to the formation of alliances between online-only retailers andtraditional shops. [+ with/between]
They are now in a position to govern the state in alliance with either the Free Democratsor the Green Party. [+ with/between]
More Synonyms of alliance
alliance in British English
the act of allying or state of being allied; union; confederation
a formal agreement or pact, esp a military one, between two or more countries to achieve a particular aim
the countries involved in such an agreement
a union between families through marriage
affinity or correspondence in qualities or characteristics
6. botany
a taxonomic category consisting of a group of related families; subclass
Word origin
C13: from Old French aliance, from alier to ally
Alliance in British English
noun(in Britain)
the Alliance
alliance in American English
an allying or being allied; specif., a union or joining, as of families by marriage
a close association for a common objective, as of nations, political parties, etc.
the agreement made for such an association
the countries, groups, etc. forming such a connection
similarity or relationship in characteristics, structure, etc.; affinity
SYNONYMY NOTE: alliance refers to any association entered into for mutual benefit; , league1, often interchangeable with , alliance, stresses formality of organization and definiteness of purpose; , coalition implies a temporary alliance of opposing parties, etc., as in times of emergency;, confederacy, confederation in political usage refer to a combination of independent states for the joint exerciseof certain governmental functions, as defense or customs; , union implies a close, permanent alliance and suggests complete unity of purpose and interest
Word origin
ME aliaunce < OFr aleiance < alier: see ally
COBUILD Collocations
shifting alliances
transatlantic alliance
uneasy alliance
unholy alliance
unlikely alliance
Examples of 'alliance' in a sentence
We should be very cautious about forming an alliance with any of them.
The Sun (2016)
The three have formed a powerful alliance.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
The two have formed an unlikely alliance to press for pragmatism in the negotiations and senior officials say it is working.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The military alliance has also contributed to the displacement of more than 2.4 million people across the country.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The case of Syria alone shows that it cannot be patched up by a rough and ready agreement between competing alliances.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Those who remain feel abandoned by the military alliance that many have devoted their lives to as career officers who see themselves as secular and democratic.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The postwar success of both countries has been made possible by their military alliances with the US.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Turning warm tweets and campaign promises into a renewed and significant alliance is one of Britain's top diplomatic priorities.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
An alliance of rebel groups has been steadily advancing towards the capital from strongholds in the north.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The fertile alliance between the two men did not last.
Philip Marsden The Barefoot Emperor: An Ethiopian Tragedy (2007)
The question of duration is a critical and politically sensitive one for the alliance.
Abshire, David M. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy (1988)
The families are linked by marriages and alliances but remain strongly distinct in ethos.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
So far they have defied critics who likened the alliance to two drunks propping each other up.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Nato diplomatic sources said that no one within the alliance was speaking about sending troops.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Keeping it special between two people reinforces alliances and trust.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Attempts at manipulation through marriage alliances and implication in the conspiracies of others were the occupational hazards that attended them.
Jane Dunn ELIZABETH AND MARY: Cousins, Rivals, Queens (2003)
We put together a big alliance.
The Sun (2010)
Lives are lost and alliances are formed - only the strongest will survive.
The Sun (2012)
Today, it is a military alliance without any political clout.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Competitors form alliances only to turn on each other when that no longer serves their self-interest.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
In the 1990s they organised an entire political alliance to try to stop her getting into power.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
But it looks as if the Anglo-American alliance will be one of the first targets for change.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Two leading unions have formed an alliance to campaign against spending cuts, it emerged at the conference.
The Sun (2012)
It must have been as if he had three parents, two in uneasy alliance against the third.
Judd, Alan Ford Madox Ford (1990)
The West is now in alliance with a military force over which it has neither command nor control.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Such an important marriage would seal a political alliance and enable the two countries to work as allies against the growing Prussian influence.
Deborah Cadbury THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII (2002)
Third, it is about power and relationships, alliances and political dealings between interested parties.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Far from our alliance being one where the US holds the upper hand, it is an indispensable partnership of equals.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
alliance: in international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a thirdAmbrose BierceThe Devil's Dictionary
In other languages
British English: alliance /əˈlaɪəns/ NOUN
An alliance is a group of countries or political parties that are formally united and working together because they have similar aims.
The two parties were still too much apart to form an alliance.
American English: alliance
Arabic: تَـحَالُف
Brazilian Portuguese: aliança
Chinese: 联盟
Croatian: savez
Czech: spojenectví
Danish: alliance
Dutch: alliantie
European Spanish: alianza
Finnish: liittoutuma
French: alliance union
German: Bündnis
Greek: συμμαχία
Italian: alleanza
Japanese: 提携
Korean: 동맹
Norwegian: allianse
Polish: przymierze
European Portuguese: aliança
Romanian: alianță
Russian: союз
Latin American Spanish: alianza
Swedish: allians
Thai: พันธมิตร
Turkish: ittifak
Ukrainian: альянс
Vietnamese: liên minh
All related terms of 'alliance'
Dual Alliance
the alliance between France and Russia (1893–1917)
Holy Alliance
a document advocating government according to Christian principles that was signed in 1815 by the rulers of Russia , Prussia , and Austria
the Alliance
the Social Democratic Party and the Liberal Party acting or regarded as a political entity from 1981 to 1988
Alliance Party
a non-sectarian Northern Irish political party founded in 1970
Triple Alliance
the secret alliance between Germany , Austria-Hungary , and Italy formed in 1882 and lasting until 1914
uneasy alliance
An alliance is a group of countries or political parties that are formally united and working together because they have similar aims .
unholy alliance
An alliance is a group of countries or political parties that are formally united and working together because they have similar aims .
Canadian Alliance
a Canadian right-wing federal political party, founded in 2000; merged with the Conservative Party in 2003
unlikely alliance
An alliance is a group of countries or political parties that are formally united and working together because they have similar aims .
transatlantic alliance
An alliance is a group of countries or political parties that are formally united and working together because they have similar aims .
War of the Grand Alliance
the war (1689–97) waged by the Grand Alliance , led by Britain, the Netherlands, and Austria , against Louis XIV of France, following his invasion (1688) of the Palatinate
a formal relationship between two or more countries or political parties to work together
The two parties were still too much apart to form an alliance.
the question of which countries should join the currency union
the League of Nations
the British Olympic Association
a new defence agreement
The merger is an audacious marriage between old and new.
The company's chief executive has proposed a merger or other business combination.
He had been opposed by a coalition of civil-rights organizations.
negotiations over an international treaty on global warming
the partnership between Germany's banks and its businesses
the British Athletic Federation
The two countries signed a non-aggression pact.
The Pilgrims signed a democratic compact aboard the Mayflower.
The group has no affiliation to any political party.
Vienna was established as the political and cultural capital of a new confederacy of Germanic states.
, disunion
2 (noun)
the state of being allied
an alliance between philanthropy and medicine
Money problems place great stress on close family relationships.
The association between the two companies stretches back 30 years.
the bond that linked them
There is no evidence of any connection between the two events.
He said he wanted to establish a rapport with them.
She evidently felt a sense of kinship with the woman.
alliance: in international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third [Ambrose Bierce – The Devil's Dictionary]
Additional synonyms
in the sense of affiliation
The group has no affiliation to any political party.