An ostrich is a very large African bird that cannot fly.
ostrich in British English
nounWord forms: plural-triches or -trich
a fast-running flightless African bird, Struthio camelus, that is the largest living bird, with stout two-toed feet and dark feathers, except on the naked head, neck, and legs: order Struthioniformes
ratite ▶ Related adjective: struthious
2. American ostrich
a person who refuses to recognize the truth, reality, etc: a reference to the ostrich's supposed habit of burying its head in the sand
Word origin
C13: from Old French ostrice, from Latin avis bird + Late Latin struthio ostrich, from Greek strouthion
ostrich in American English
(ˈɑstrɪtʃ; ˈɔstrɪtʃ)
nounWord forms: pluralˈostriches or ˈostrich
a swift-running bird (Struthio camelus) of Africa and SW Asia, the only member of its order (Struthioniformes): it is thelargest and most powerful of living birds, and has a long neck, very long legs with two toes on each foot, and small, useless wings: the white tail and wing feathers of the male are used in millinery and astrimming
a person who tries to avoid difficult or dangerous situations by refusing to confront them
Word origin
OFr ostrusce < VL avistruthius < L avis, bird + struthio, short for struthiocamelus, ostrich < Gr strouthiokamēlos < strouthos, sparrow + kamēlos, camel