

单词 otherwise

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Examples of 'otherwise' in a sentence

Politicians who pretend otherwise are being shamelessly evasive.It is utter nonsense to suggest otherwise.His challenge is to prove otherwise.How could anyone possibly think otherwise?Unhappy people might also be less likely to attend appointments for screening checks or otherwise look after themselves, they suggested.We can pretend otherwise, to make them like us, but it will always be a lie.You need the existing layout to work otherwise it is easier and cheaper to build from scratch.Otherwise she was anything but impressed with her family.We no longer use it in otherwise healthy people at low risk.Those who suggest otherwise need to focus on the hard facts.Why on earth should we pretend otherwise?Thus we may accept something which otherwise we might reject.Things like this can happen and otherwise you might not know what to do.Staff at the company think otherwise and are taking legal advice.The technology could help transplant patients who would otherwise die after becoming too ill for surgery.While you were in work or otherwise engaged things seemed to tick over reasonably well.How could she have thought anything otherwise?People who are otherwise healthy could also become seriously ill or die.It would be incorrect to suggest otherwise.To pretend otherwise and act all hurt is plain daft.The public is like a person who smokes two packs of cigarettes a day until a biopsy says otherwise.You do need to otherwise it's about fear of failure and all that nonsense.You can't think about it otherwise it holds you back.

In other languages

British English: otherwise /ˈʌðəˌwaɪz/ ADVERB
You use otherwise when stating the general condition or quality of something, when you are also mentioning an exception to this.
He woke at about 7 a.m., very hungry but otherwise happy.
  • American English: otherwise when stating general condition
  • Arabic: بِطَرِيقَةٍ أُخَرَى
  • Brazilian Portuguese: de outra maneira
  • Chinese: 否则
  • Croatian: inače
  • Czech: jinak
  • Danish: ellers
  • Dutch: verder op een andere manier
  • European Spanish: por lo demás
  • Finnish: toisin
  • French: autrement
  • German: andernfalls
  • Greek: αλλιώς
  • Italian: altrimenti
  • Japanese: 別なふうに
  • Korean: 한편으로는
  • Norwegian: annerledes
  • Polish: inaczej
  • European Portuguese: de outra maneira
  • Romanian: altfel
  • Russian: иначе
  • Latin American Spanish: por lo demás
  • Swedish: annorlunda
  • Thai: ตรงกันข้าม
  • Turkish: başka türlü
  • Ukrainian: інакше
  • Vietnamese: mặt khác
British English: otherwise /ˈʌðəˌwaɪz/ CONJUNCTION
You use otherwise after stating a situation or fact, to say what the result or consequence would be if this situation or fact was not the case.
I'm lucky that I'm interested in school work; otherwise I'd go mad.
  • American English: otherwise
  • Arabic: وإِلَاّ
  • Brazilian Portuguese: caso contrário
  • Chinese: 否则
  • Croatian: drukčije
  • Czech: jinak
  • Danish: ellers
  • Dutch: anders
  • European Spanish: de lo contrario
  • Finnish: muuten
  • French: sinon
  • German: sonst
  • Greek: ειδεμή
  • Italian: altrimenti
  • Japanese: さもないと
  • Korean: 안 그랬으면
  • Norwegian: ellers
  • Polish: w przeciwnym wypadku
  • European Portuguese: caso contrário
  • Romanian: altfel
  • Russian: в противном случае
  • Latin American Spanish: de lo contrario
  • Swedish: annorlunda
  • Thai: มิฉะนั้น
  • Turkish: yoksa
  • Ukrainian: або
  • Vietnamese: nếu không
British English: otherwise /ˈʌðəˌwaɪz/ ADVERB
in other circumstances You use otherwise to say what the result would be if things were different.
I really enjoy this job. I wouldn't be here, otherwise.
  • American English: otherwise
  • Arabic: وَإِلَّا
  • Brazilian Portuguese: caso contrário
  • Chinese: 否则
  • Croatian: drukčije
  • Czech: jinak
  • Danish: ellers
  • Dutch: anders
  • European Spanish: si no
  • Finnish: muutoin
  • French: autrement
  • German: sonst
  • Greek: εξάλλου
  • Italian: altrimenti
  • Japanese: そうでなければ
  • Korean: 그렇지 않았다면
  • Norwegian: annerledes
  • Polish: w przeciwnym razie
  • European Portuguese: de outro modo
  • Romanian: altminteri
  • Russian: иначе
  • Latin American Spanish: de lo contrario
  • Swedish: annars
  • Thai: ไม่เช่นนั้น
  • Turkish: aksi halde
  • Ukrainian: інакше
  • Vietnamese: nếu không

Chinese translation of 'otherwise'




  1. (= if not) 否则(則) (fǒuzé)
  2. (= apart from that) 除此以外 (chú cǐ yǐwài)
  3. (= differently) 别(別)样(樣) (biéyàng)
    otherwise known as ... 又以 ... 为(為)人们(們)所熟知 (yòu yǐ ... wéi rénmen suǒ shúzhī)
(sentence connector) 
or else
Write it down, otherwise you'll forget it.
or else
if not
or then
in other respects
a caravan slightly dented but otherwise in good condition
apart from that
in other ways
in (all) other respects
I believed he would be home soon – I had no reason to think otherwise.
He thinks differently from normal people.
any other way
in another way
in contrary fashion

Synonyms of 'otherwise'


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