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English translation of '吃'


  1. (= 咀嚼吞咽) eat (pt ate) (pp eaten)
    ⇒ 吃面条 (chī miàntiáo) eat noodles
    ⇒ 吃药 (chīyào) take medicine
    ⇒ 吃奶 (chī nǎi) suckle
  2. (= 就餐) eat in (pt ate) (pp eaten)
    ⇒ 我中午不做饭,吃食堂。 (Wǒ zhōngwǔ bù zuòfàn, chī shítáng.) I don't cook lunch - I eat in the canteen.
  3. (= 依靠) live off
    ⇒ 吃劳保 (chī láobǎo) live off welfare
    ⇒ 吃老本 (chī lǎoběn) rest on one's laurels
  4. (= 消灭) wipe ... out
    ⇒ 吃掉一个棋子 (chī diào yī gè qízǐ) take a chess piece
  5. (= 耗费) withstand (pt, pp withstood)
    ⇒ 吃力 (chīlì) strenuous
    ⇒ 吃不消 (chībùxiāo) unable to withstand
  6. (= 吸收) absorb
    ⇒ 棉布吃水。 (Miánbù chīshuǐ.) Cloth absorbs water.
  7. (= ) take (pt took) (pp taken)
    ⇒ 他胸口吃了一枪。 (Tā xiōngkǒu chīle yī qiāng.) He took a bullet in the chest.
    ⇒ 吃亏 (chīkuī) lose out




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