any of the circuit courts held in each shire from 1176 until the late 13th century
2. justices in eyre
Word origin
C13: from Old French erre journey, from errer to travel, from Latin errāre to wander
Eyre in British English1
Lake Eyre
Word origin
C19: named after Edward John Eyre
Eyre in British English2
Edward John. 1815–1901, British explorer and colonial administrator. He was governor of Jamaica (1864–66) until his authorization of 400 executions to suppress an uprising led to his recall
Sir Richard. born 1943, British theatre director: director of the Royal National Theatre (1988–97)
Eyre in American English
Lakeshallow salt lake in NE South Australia, varying from frequently dry to c. 3,700 sq mi (9,583 sq km)
eyre in American English
noun English
a tour or circuit
chiefly in the phrase justices in eyre
a circuit court held by justices in eyre
Word origin
ME & Anglo-Fr eire < OFr erre < errer, to travel: see errant