The sixth item in a series is the one that you count as number six.
...the sixth round of the World Cup.
...the sixth of December.
2. fraction
A sixth is one of six equal parts of something.
The company yesterday shed a sixth of its workforce.
...five-sixths of a mile.
sixth in British English
1. (usually prenominal)
coming after the fifth and before the seventh in numbering or counting order, position, time, etc; being the ordinal number of six: often written 6th
(as noun)
the sixth to go
one of six equal or nearly equal parts of an object, quantity, measurement, etc
(as modifier)
a sixth part
the fraction equal to one divided by six (1⁄6)
4. music
the interval between one note and another note six notes away from it counting inclusively along the diatonic scale
one of two notes constituting such an interval in relation to the other
See also major (sense 14), minor (sense 4), interval (sense 5)
c. short for sixth chord
5. Also: sixthly
after the fifth person, position, etc
sentence connector
6. Also: sixthly
as the sixth point: linking what follows to the previous statements
sixth in American English
preceded by five others in a series; 6th
designating any of the six equal parts of something
the one following the fifth
any of the six equal parts of something; 1⁄6
5. Music
the sixth tone of an ascending diatonic scale, or a tone five degrees above or below any given tone in such a scale; submediant; superdominant
the interval between two such tones, or a combination of them
the chord formed by a triad in which the fundamental tone is raised an octave, creating a new interval of a sixth, as E-G-C
: in full sixth chord
in the sixth place, rank, group, etc.
Derived forms
sixthly (ˈsixthly)
Word origin
ME sixth < OE sixta, akin to Ger sechste, L sextus: see six & -th2
Examples of 'sixth' in a sentence
This is his sixth series as captain and the first one he has lost.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Three fourth places and one ignominious sixth place two years ago.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
It was the sixth successive trading day a new low had been hit.
The Sun (2008)
That was the sixth best time in history.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Electricity distribution costs account for only one sixth of a household energy bill.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
And where did that sixth white welder come from?
A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments,Functions
The sixth round was as exciting as any you will see.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
The sixth and final series promises all the questions will be answered.
The Sun (2010)
They are two points off sixth with two games to go.
The Sun (2011)
Injury time brought the sixth and final goal.
The Sun (2013)
And then we come to the sixth answer to our question.
Christianity Today (2000)
Teachers are working with academics to make it easier for them to cope with going from sixth form to university.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
It was on the sixth floor of this tower block, since demolished.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Watford were tipped for a relegation fight last August but are just six points off sixth place.
The Sun (2012)
The fourth, fifth and sixth all scored since.
The Sun (2009)
The violence in Tbilisi erupted on the sixth day of protests by a coalition of opposition parties.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
If he kicks five and misses the sixth, he goes back to the beginning.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
This was his 17th and the sixth one he had done solo.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
By the time you get to the sixth round, you feel shocking.
The Sun (2015)
I made the final of the 1500m and finished sixth.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The tale of the sixth World Cup is both a new and old one.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
City are sixth - a point and a place above Liverpool.
The Sun (2009)
He asked me about school and what my plans were once I'd finished sixth form.
The Sun (2014)
In other languages
British English: sixth /sɪksθ/ ADJECTIVE
The sixth item in a series is the one that you count as number six.
...the sixth round of the competition.
American English: sixth
Arabic: السَّادِسُ
Brazilian Portuguese: sexto
Chinese: 第六
Croatian: šesti
Czech: šestý
Danish: sjette
Dutch: zesde
European Spanish: sexto
Finnish: kuudes
French: sixième
German: sechster
Greek: έκτος
Italian: sesto
Japanese: 六番目の
Korean: 6분의 1
Norwegian: sjette
Polish: szósty
European Portuguese: sexto
Romanian: al șaselea
Russian: шестой
Latin American Spanish: sexto
Swedish: sjätte
Thai: ที่หก
Turkish: altıncı
Ukrainian: шостий
Vietnamese: thứ sáu thứ tự
All related terms of 'sixth'
added sixth
a chord much used esp in jazz , consisting of a triad with an added sixth above the root
lower sixth
the first year of the sixth form
sixth chord
(in classical harmony ) the first inversion of the triad , in which the note next above the root appears in the bass
sixth form
The sixth form in a British school consists of the classes that pupils go to from 16 to 18 years of age, usually in order to study for A levels.
sixth grade
(in the US) the sixth school year after kindergarten , usually containing pupils around 11 or 12 years old
sixth sense
If you say that someone has a sixth sense , you mean that they seem to have a natural ability to know about things before other people, or to know things that other people do not know.
sixth year
(in Scotland) the most senior class in a secondary school to which pupils , usually above the legal leaving age, may proceed to take sixth-year studies, retake or take additional Highers , etc
upper sixth
(in England, Wales and Northern Ireland ) the final year of sixth form
French sixth
(in musical harmony ) an augmented sixth chord having a major third and an augmented fourth between the root and the augmented sixth
German sixth
(in musical harmony ) an augmented sixth chord having a major third and a perfect fifth between the root and the augmented sixth
Italian sixth
(in musical harmony ) an augmented sixth chord , characterized by having a major third and an augmented sixth above the root
sixth former
A sixth former is a pupil who is in the sixth form at a British school.
a pupil in their sixth US school year after kindergarten , who is usually around 11 or 12 years old
Neapolitan sixth
(in musical harmony ) a chord composed of the subdominant of the key , plus a minor third and a minor sixth . Harmonically it is equivalent to the first inversion of a major chord built upon the flattened supertonic
added sixth chord
a chord much used esp in jazz , consisting of a triad with an added sixth above the root
sixth-form college
(in England and Wales ) a college offering A-level and other courses to pupils over sixteen from local schools, esp from those that do not have sixth forms
sixth-form pupil
(in England and Wales ) the most senior class in a secondary school to which pupils , usually above the legal leaving age, may proceed to take A levels, retake GCSEs, etc
Chinese translation of 'sixth'
(in series) 第六 (dìliù)
(= fraction) 六分之一 (liù fēn zhī yī)
the upper/lower sixth (Brit, Scol) 高级/初级六年级,英国中学教育的最后两年,在此期间学生准备A-level考试,以取得大学入学资格
see alsofifth
All related terms of 'sixth'
sixth form
▶ the sixth form 六年级,英国中学教育的最后两年,在此期间学生准备A-level考试,以取得大学入学资格
the lower sixth
( Brit : Scol ) 中学(學)六年级(級) zhōngxué liù niánjí
the sixth form
the upper sixth
( Brit : Scol ) 中学(學)七年级(級)(英国(國)中学(學)教育的最后(後)一年,在此期间(間),学(學)生参(參)加大学(學)升学(學)资(資)格的考试(試)) zhōngxué qī niánjí (Yīngguó zhōngxué jiàoyù de zuìhòu yī nián, zài cǐ qījiān, xuésheng cānjiā dàxué shēngxué zīgé de kǎoshì)
sixth form college
the upper/lower sixth
( Brit : Scol ) 高级/初级六年级,英国中学教育的最后两年,在此期间学生准备A-level考试,以取得大学入学资格