a primary social group consisting of parents and their offspring, the principal function of which is provision for its members
(as modifier)
family quarrels
a family unit
one's wife or husband and one's children
one's children, as distinguished from one's husband or wife
a group of persons related by blood; a group descended from a common ancestor
Compare extended family
all the persons living together in one household
any group of related things or beings, esp when scientifically categorized
7. biology
any of the taxonomic groups into which an order is divided and which contains oneor more genera. Felidae (cat family) and Canidae (dog family) are two families of the order Carnivora
8. ecology
a group of organisms of the same species living together in a community
a group of historically related languages assumed to derive from one original language
10. mainly US
an independent local group of the Mafia
11. mathematics
a group of curves or surfaces whose equations differ from a given equation only in the values assigned to one or more constants in each curve
a family of concentric circles
12. physics
the isotopes, collectively, that comprise a radioactive series
13. in the family way
Word origin
C15: from Latin familia a household, servants of the house, from famulus servant
Examples of 'families' in a sentence
Something to do with my ostentatiously wearing shoe leather in her company and telling her that vegetables have families too.
Robert Wilson A DARKENING STAIN (2002)
But then the family began to fragment, as families do.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Fewer and fewer families gather together around a table.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
It was not easy to find the families and gain their trust.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The majority of families questioned said that they felt unsafe.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
The picture is just as grim for young working families.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
He became part of everybody's families, everybody felt what we were feeling.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
It's about love, families, companionship - in other words, human emotions.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
More respect should be given to bereaved families' feelings in such cases.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
And what do we think the two-earner families would then say?
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
All related terms of 'families'
A family is a group of people who are related to each other, especially parents and their children.
happy families
a card game in which the object is to collect the cards (which display images of people) until you have a complete family
service families
families which have a member serving in the armed forces
arum family
the plant family Araceae, characterized by herbaceous plants having numerous tiny flowers on a fleshy spike above or sheathed by a large spathe , and including the anthurium , calla lily , jack-in-the-pulpit, and philodendron
host family
a family which provides board and lodging to students , usually for a fee
lily family
the large plant family Liliaceae, characterized by chiefly herbaceous plants growing from bulbs , corms , rhizomes , or tubers , having narrow, parallel-veined, usually basal leaves, often showy flowers, and fruit in the form of a berry or capsule , and including the aloe , asparagus , aspidistra , hyacinth , numerous species of lily , lily of the valley , trillium , and tulip
mint family
the large plant family Labiatae (or Lamiaceae), characterized by aromatic herbaceous plants having square stems, simple leaves, clusters of two-lipped flowers, and fruit in the form of small nutlets, and including basil , bee balm , catnip, coleus , lavender , marjoram , oregano, peppermint , rosemary , sage , spearmint, and thyme
palm family
the plant family Palmae (or Arecaceae; formerly, Palmaceae), characterized by chiefly tropical evergreen trees or shrubs having large compound leaves in featherlike or fanlike fronds , large clusters of small flowers, and fleshy or dry fruit, and including the palmettos, ornamental palms , and palms that are the source of carnauba wax , coconuts , dates , raffia , rattan , sago , and various oils
rose family
the plant family Rosaceae, characterized by trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants having compound or simple leaves with stipules , flowers typically with five sepals and five petals , and fruit in a variety of forms, many of which are fleshy and edible, and including the almond , apple , apricot , blackberry , cherry , cinquefoil , hawthorn , peach , pear , plum , raspberry , rose, spirea, and strawberry
to play happy families
to spend time with your family or partner and to outwardly give the impression of being happy (although this may not be the case)
balsam family
the plant family Balsaminaceae, typified by succulent stems, alternate , opposite, or whorled simple leaves, and irregular solitary or clustered flowers, including the balsam and jewelweed
blended family
a family consisting of parents and the offspring they have had together, and their offspring from previous relationships
bombax family
the plant family Bombacaceae, typified by tropical deciduous trees having palmate leaves, large and often showy solitary or clustered flowers, and dry fruit with a woolly pulp , and including the baobab and silk-cotton tree
borage family
the plant family Boraginaceae, typified by herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees having simple, alternate , hairy leaves and usually blue, five-lobed flowers in a cluster that uncoils as they bloom , including borage , bugloss , and forget-me-not
county family
an old family that has lived in a particular county for several generations
first family
a family considered to have prestige because of descent , social status , etc.
gentian family
the plant family Gentianaceae, typified by herbaceous plants having simple opposite leaves, usually blue flowers with five united petals , and fruit in the form of a capsule , and including the closed gentian , fringed gentian, centaury , exacum , and marsh pink
ginger family
the plant family Zingiberaceae, characterized by tropical, often aromatic herbaceous plants having rhizomes , long sheathing leaves, and clusters of tubular flowers, and including cardamon, ginger , and turmeric
gourd family
the plant family Cucurbitaceae, characterized by tendril-bearing vines , either trailing or climbing and having alternate , palmately lobed leaves, often large yellow or greenish flowers, and many-seeded, fleshy fruit with a hard rind , and including the cucumber , gourd , melon , pumpkin , and squash
grass family
the large plant family Gramineae (or Poaceae), characterized by mostly herbaceous but sometimes woody plants with hollow and jointed stems, narrow sheathing leaves, petalless flowers borne in spikelets , and fruit in the form of seedlike grain, and including bamboo , sugar cane , numerous grasses, and cereal grains such as barley , corn , oats , rice , rye , and wheat
happy family
→ another name for grey-crowned babbler
heath family
the plant family Ericaceae, characterized by evergreen or deciduous shrubs, trees, and woody plants growing in acid soil and having simple leaves, often showy flowers either solitary or in clusters, and fruit in the form of a berry or capsule , and including the azalea , blueberry , cranberry , heather , madrone, mountain laurel , rhododendron , and trailing arbutus
joint family
a type of extended family composed of parents , their children, and the children's spouses and offspring in one household
laurel family
the plant family Lauraceae, characterized by evergreen or deciduous trees having simple, leathery leaves, aromatic bark and foliage , clusters of small green or yellow flowers, and fruit in the form of a berry or drupe , and including the avocado , bay, laurels of the genera Laurus and Umbellularia , sassafras , spicebush ( Lindera benzoin ), and the trees that yield camphor and cinnamon
legume family
the large plant family Leguminosae (or Fabaceae), typified by herbaceous plants, shrubs, trees, and vines having usually compound leaves, clusters of irregular, keeled flowers, and fruit in the form of a pod splitting along both sides, and including beans, peas , acacia , alfalfa, clover , indigo , lentil , mesquite , mimosa , and peanut
lobelia family
the plant family Lobeliaceae (sometimes considered a subfamily , Lobelioideae, of the Campanulaceae, or bellflower family), typified by usually herbaceous plants having milky sap , simple alternate leaves, irregular two-lipped flowers, and fruit in the form of a capsule or berry , and including the cardinal flower, Indian tobacco, and lobelia
logania family
the plant family Loganiaceae, typified by herbaceous plants, trees, and shrubs of warm regions having usually opposite leaves, clusters of regular flowers, and fruit in the form of a berry , capsule , or fleshy fruit, and including the butterfly bush , Carolina jessamine, logania, and trees of the genus Strychnos , which are the source of curare , nux vomica , and strychnine
madder family
the large plant family Rubiaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, trees, and shrubs having simple , opposite, or whorled leaves, usually four- or five-lobed flowers, and fruit in the form of a berry , capsule , or nut , and including the gardenia , madder , partridgeberry , and shrubs and trees that are the source of coffee , ipecac, and quinine
mallow family
the plant family Malvaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees having palmately veined , lobed, or compound leaves, sticky juice , often showy five-petaled flowers with stamens united in a column, and fruit in the form of a capsule with several divisions, and including the cotton plant, hibiscus , hollyhock , mallow , okra , and rose of Sharon
maple family
the plant family Aceraceae, typified by trees and shrubs having sweet sap , simple opposite leaves usually lobed or toothed, clusters of small flowers, and fruit in the form of a double-winged nutlet, and including maples and the box elder
mustard family
the plant family Cruciferae (or Brassicaceae), characterized by herbaceous plants having alternate leaves, acrid or pungent juice, clusters of four-petaled flowers, and fruit in the form of a two-parted capsule , and including broccoli , cabbage , candytuft , cauliflower , cress , mustard , radish , sweet alyssum , turnip , and wallflower
nuclear family
A nuclear family is a family unit that consists of father , mother , and children.
olive family
the plant family Oleaceae, characterized by trees and shrubs having opposite , simple or pinnately compound leaves, usually small and sometimes showy flowers, and fruit in the form of a berry , capsule , or winged seed, and including the ash , forsythia , lilac , olive , and privet
orchid family
the plant family Orchidaceae, characterized by terrestrial or epiphytic herbaceous plants having simple, parallel-veined, usually alternate leaves, complex and often large and showy flowers pollinated primarily by insects, and fruit in the form of a capsule containing numerous minute seeds, and including calypso , fringed orchis , lady's- slipper , pogonia , rattlesnake plantain , vanilla , as well as numerous tropical orchids such as those of the genera Cattleya , Cymbidium , Dendrobium , Phalaenopsis , and Vanda
parsley family
the plant family Umbelliferae (or Apiaceae), characterized by herbaceous plants having alternate , usually compound leaves, hollow stems, numerous small flowers borne in umbels , and dry, seedlike, often aromatic fruit, and including anise , caraway , carrot , celery , dill , parsley , parsnip , and Queen Anne's lace , as well as poisonous plants such as cowbane and water hemlock
poppy family
the plant family Papaveraceae, characterized by chiefly herbaceous plants having white, yellow, or reddish juice, alternate and often lobed or dissected leaves, showy , usually solitary flowers, and capsular fruit, and including bloodroot , creamcups, greater celandine , and poppies of the genera Papaver , Eschscholzia, Argemone , and others
royal family
The royal family of a country is the king, queen, or emperor , and all the members of their family.
sedge family
the plant family Cyperaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, often found in wet areas, having solid stems, narrow, grasslike leaves with closed sheaths , spikes of very small flowers set in a scalelike bract , and a dry, flattened , convex fruit, and including the bulrush , chufa, cotton grass , papyrus , and umbrella plant
spurge family
the large plant family Euphorbiaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees having milky juice, simple alternate leaves or no leaves, usually petalless flowers often with showy bracts , and capsular fruit, and including cassava , croton , crown-of-thorns, poinsettia , snow-on-the-mountain, spurge , and the plants that produce castor oil, rubber, and tung oil
Working Families Tax Credit
(in Britain) a means-tested allowance paid to single parents or families who have at least one dependent child, who work at least 16 hours per week , and whose earnings are low. It replaced family credit
amaryllis family
the plant family Amaryllidaceae, typified by herbaceous plants having alternate or basal lance-shaped leaves, bulbs or corms , and showy, lilylike flowers and including the amaryllis , daffodil , onion and its relatives, and snowdrop
buttercup family
the plant family Ranunculaceae, typified by mostly herbaceous plants having usually alternate leaves, multistaminate flowers sometimes lacking petals but with colorful sepals , and including the anemone , buttercup , clematis , columbine , delphinium , and monkshood
composite family
the large and varied plant family Compositae (or Asteraceae), typified by herbaceous plants having alternate, opposite, or whorled leaves and a whorl of bracts surrounding the flower heads, which are usually composed of a disk containing tiny petalless flowers and a ray of petals extending from the flowers at the rim of the disk, some flower heads being composed only of a disk or a ray and some plants having clusters of flower heads, and including the aster , daisy , dandelion , goldenrod , marigold , ragweed , sunflower , thistle , and zinnia
extended family
An extended family is a family group which includes relatives such as uncles , aunts, and grandparents , as well as parents , children, and brothers and sisters .
geranium family
the plant family Geraniaceae, typified by herbaceous plants or small shrubs having lobed leaves, showy flowers, and slender , beak-shaped fruit, and including the crane's-bills, stork's-bills, and cultivated geraniums of the genus Pelargonium
goosefoot family
the plant family Chenopodiaceae, characterized by often weedy herbaceous plants and shrubs having simple , usually alternate leaves, small and inconspicuous flowers, and tiny , dry fruit, and including the beet , glasswort , goosefoot , Russian thistle , saltbush, and spinach
honeysuckle family
the plant family Caprifoliaceae, typified by shrubs and woody vines having opposite leaves, clusters of usually flaring , narrow, tubular flowers, and various types of fruit, and including the elder , honeysuckle , snowberry , twinflower, and viburnum
mahogany family
the plant family Meliaceae, characterized by tropical and subtropical trees and shrubs having alternate , pinnate leaves, usually branched clusters of flowers, and fruit in the form of a berry or leathery capsule , and including the chinaberry , cedars of the genus Cedrela , and mahoganies of the genera Swietenia and Khaya
mulberry family
the plant family Moraceae, characterized by deciduous or evergreen trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants having simple, alternate leaves, often milky sap , dense clusters of small flowers, and fruit in the form of a fleshy berry , usually hollow in the center , and including the fig , mulberry , Osage orange, and rubber plant
primrose family
the plant family Primulaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants having simple , opposite , whorled, or basal leaves, flowers with a five-lobed corolla , and capsular fruit, and including cyclamen , loosestrife of the genus Lysimachia , pimpernel , primrose , and shooting star