An out tray is a shallow container used in offices to put letters and documents in when they have been dealt with and are ready to be sent somewhere else. Compare in tray.
out tray in British English
or out-tray (aʊt treɪ)
a tray or basket (in an office etc) for holding correspondence and documents that are to be sent out
Put it in my out tray. I'll deal with it later.
out-tray in British English
(in an office) a tray for outgoing correspondence, documents, etc
Examples of 'out tray' in a sentence
out tray
I folded the paper, crammed it into an envelope and wrote the address before dropping the letter into the out-tray.
Howatch, Susan ABSOLUTE TRUTHS (2002)
I did not, of course, leave my reply in the office out-tray --- too risky: I stamped it and posted it on my way home.
Isabel Wolff RESCUING ROSE (2002)
-3* Leonard unclipped the X-rays from the light-panel and slipped them back into the file, which he tossed into his out-tray.