to consume (alcoholic drink) as a regular habit, usually in large quantities
Derived forms
toper (ˈtoper)
Word origin
C17: from French toper to keep an agreement, from Spanish topar to take a bet; probably because a wager was generally followed by a drink
tope in British English2
a small grey requiem shark, Galeorhinus galeus, of European coastal waters
any of various other small sharks
Word origin
C17: of uncertain origin; compare Norfolk dialect toper dogfish
tope in British English3
another name for a stupa
Word origin
C19: from Hindi tōp; compare Sanskrit stūpastupa
tope in American English1
verb transitive, verb intransitiveWord forms: toped or ˈtoping
to drink (alcoholic liquor) in large amounts and often
Word origin
Fr toper, to accept the stakes in gambling (prob. < ODu topp, touch): E meaning given here is prob. from the custom of drinking to the conclusionof the wager
tope in American English2
a Buddhist shrine in the form of a dome with a cupola
Word origin
Hindi top, ult. < Sans stūpa, a mound, tope
tope in American English3
a small, gray European requiem shark (Galeorhinus galeus)