verbWord forms: skips, skipping or skipped1. (when intr, often foll by over, along, into, etc) to spring or move lightly, esp to move by hopping from one foot to the other
2. (intransitive) to jump over a skipping-rope
3. to cause (a stone, etc) to bounce or skim over a surface or (of a stone) to move in this way
4. to omit (intervening matter), as in passing from one part or subject to another
to skip a chapter of a book
5. (intransitive; foll by through) informal to read or deal with quickly or superficially
I skipped through the accounts before dinner
6. (transitive) informal to miss deliberately
to skip school
7. (transitive) informal, mainly US and Canadian to leave (a place) in haste or secrecy
to skip town
noun8. a skipping movement or gait
9. the act of passing over or omitting
10. music, US and Canadian another word for leap (sense 10)
11. skip it!
Word origin
C13: probably of Scandinavian origin; related to Old Norse
skopa to take a run, obsolete Swedish
skuppa to skip