The feeding of dairy cows has undergone a revolution.
Examples of 'feeding' in a sentence
There was something very soothing about feeding ducks, Maggie thought.
Peter Robinson AFTERMATH (2001)
Which was what she was thinking about as she drifted back to the present, to feeding the ducks on the pond.
Peter Robinson AFTERMATH (2001)
All related terms of 'feeding'
If you feed a person or animal, you give them food to eat and sometimes actually put it in their mouths .
to feed too much
break feeding
the feeding of animals on paddocks where feeding space is controlled by the frequent movement of an electric fence
the practice of feeding young farm animals (esp piglets , calves , and lambs ) in a sectioned-off part of their indoor environment , in order to prevent the mother from gaining access to the food
feeding stuff
any material used as a food, esp for animals
feeding time
the regular time at which babies or animals are fed
automatically supplying itself with what is needed, as a machine
demand feeding
the practice of feeding a baby whenever it seems to be hungry , rather than at set intervals
feeding bottle
A feeding bottle is a plastic bottle with a special rubber top through which a baby can suck milk or other liquids.
feeding frenzy
a phenomenon in which aquatic predators , esp sharks , become so excited when eating that they attack each other
feeding ground
The feeding ground of a group of animals or birds is the place where they find food and eat .
feeding grounds
the place where animals gather to find food
feeding stuffs
any material used as a food, esp for animals
filter feeding
a method of feeding occurring in some aquatic animals, such as planktonic invertebrates and whalebone whales , in which minute food particles are filtered from the surrounding water
a feeding frenzy
a situation in which a lot of people become very excited about something, often in a destructive or negative way
feed up
If you feed someone up , you encourage them to eat extra food so that they put on weight .
If you drip-feed money into something, you pay the money a little at a time rather than paying it all at once.
to force (a person or animal) to eat or swallow food
If you force-feed a person or animal, you make them eat or drink by pushing food or drink down their throat .
to feed by hand
to feed with a spoon
If you think that someone is being given too much help with something and is not making enough effort themselves, you can say they are being spoon-fed .
to keep and feed (an animal) in a stall , esp as an intensive method of fattening it for slaughter
to feed (a baby ) with milk from a bottle instead of breast-feeding
If you bottle-feed a baby, you give it milk or a liquid like milk in a bottle rather than the baby sucking milk from its mother's breasts .
When a woman breast-feeds her baby, she feeds it with milk from her breasts, rather than from a bottle .
If you get feedback on your work or progress , someone tells you how well or badly you are doing, and how you could improve . If you get good feedback you have worked or performed well.
bottom feeder
a fish that feeds on material at the bottom of a river, lake, sea, etc