I touched my own hair, which just brushed the tops of my shoulders.
Pickard, Nancy NO BODY (2002)
Voss sat at his desk in the legation, sweat at the back of his knees trickling down his calf muscles to his sock tops.
All related terms of 'tops'
a spinning top
spinning top
a toy that is spun on its pointed base by a flick of the fingers , by pushing a handle at the top up and down, etc
The top of something is its highest point or part.
top gear
the highest gear in a motor vehicle
high tops
training shoes that reach above the ankles
big top
The large round tent that a circus uses for its performances is called the big top .
bra top
an item of women's clothing that looks like a bra but is worn as outerwear
peg top
a child's spinning top, usually made of wood with a metal centre pin
a tabloid newspaper characterized by sensationalism
top off
If you top off an event or period with a particular thing, you end it in an especially satisfactory , dramatic , or annoying way by doing that thing.
top out
to place the highest stone on (a building) or perform a ceremony on this occasion
top up
If you top something up , you make it full again when part of it has been used.
crop top
A crop top is a very short, usually tight , top worn by a girl or a woman .
flat top
a style of haircut in which the hair is cut shortest on the top of the head so that it stands up from the scalp and appears flat from the crown to the forehead
hard top
A hard top is a vehicle that has a permanent rigid roof .
a sneaker or athletic shoe extending over the ankle
lager top
a pint or half-pint of lager with a dash of lemonade
made with a flexible top of parallel slats that slides back
round top
a platform round the masthead of a sailing ship
screw lid
a lid with a threaded rim that is turned on the corresponding thread on the neck of a bottle or container to close it securely
screw top
A screw-top bottle or jar has a lid that is secured by being twisted on.
soft top
a convertible car with a roof made of fabric rather than metal
table top
A table top is the flat surface on a table.
tank top
A tank top is a knitted piece of clothing that covers the upper part of your body and has no sleeves .
targa top
a removable hard roof on a motor car
The treetops are the top branches of the trees in a wood or forest .
tube top
A tube top is a piece of women's clothing that is made of stretchy material and covers her chest but leaves her shoulders bare .
vest top
a sleeveless top; a top with thin shoulder straps
be tops, be the tops
If you say that something is tops or is the tops , you mean that it is better or more successful than anything else.
bikini top
the part of a bikini worn over the breasts
a cap on the top of a bottle
a person with red hair
double top
a score of double 20
muffin top
a roll of flesh spilling over the top of a tight skirt or trousers , esp when the midriff is exposed
fighting top
one of the gun platforms on the lower masts of sailing men-of-war , used in attacking the crew of an enemy ship with swivel guns and muskets
folding top
A folding top is a soft roof of a vehicle that can be folded down or removed.
humming top
a top that hums as it spins
midriff top
a woman's blouse that exposes her midriff
mountain top
the top of a natural upward projection of the earth's surface, higher and steeper than a hill and often having a rocky summit
whipping top
a spinning top that is set going by striking it with a toy whip so that the lash curls around it before pulling it away quickly
roll-top desk
A roll-top desk is a desk which has a wooden cover which can be pulled down over the writing surface when the desk is not being used.