the phenomenon exhibited by substances, such as iron, that have relative permeabilities much greater than unity and increasing magnetization with applied magnetizing field. Certain of these substances retain their magnetization in the absence of the applied field. The effect is caused by the alignment of electron spin in regions called domains
Compare diamagnetism, paramagnetism, See also magnet, Curie-Weiss law
Derived forms
ferromagnetic (ˌfɛrəʊmæɡˈnɛtɪk)
ferromagnetism in Electrical Engineering
(Electrical engineering: General)
Ferromagnetism is the magnetic force that materials like iron, nickel, or cobalt show when they are in a magnetic field.
Ferromagnetism is the ability of materials to be attracted to a magnet.
Ferromagnetism is primarily caused by unpaired electron magnetic moments.
Ferromagnetism is the magnetic force that materials like iron, nickel, or cobalt show when theyare in a magnetic field.