a group of over 100 islands in the S Atlantic: a UK Overseas Territory; invaded by Argentina, who had long laid claim to the islands, on 2 April 1982; recaptured by a British expeditionary force on 14 June 1982. Chief town: Stanley. Pop: 3140 (2008 est). Area: about 12 200 sq km (4700 sq miles)
Spanish name: Islas Malvinas
F.I. in American English
Falkland Islands
fi in American English
the solmization syllable used for the semitone between the fourth and fifth degrees of a scale
Word lists with
All related terms of 'fi'
A hi-fi is a set of equipment on which you play CDs and tapes , and which produces stereo sound of very good quality .
(of sound reproduction ) of or giving an impression of poor quality
Wi-Fi is a system of using the internet without being connected with a wire .
a genre of science-fiction concerned with the effects of climate change
(of sound reproduction ) of or giving an impression of poor quality
Sci-fi is short for → science fiction .
an expression of disgust or abhorrence
hi-fi system
a complete system of high-quality sound-reproducing equipment
sci-fi fantasy
You can refer to a story or situation that someone creates from their imagination and that is not based on reality as fantasy .
fieri facias
a writ ordering a levy on the belongings of an adjudged debtor to satisfy the debt