Asaricin 1 and isoasarone 2 showed potent ovicidal activity.
Arshia Hematpoor, Sook Yee Liew, Wei Lim Chong, Mohd Sofian Azirun, Vannajan SanghiranLee, Khalijah Awang 2016, 'Inhibition and Larvicidal Activity of Phenylpropanoids from Piper sarmentosum on Acetylcholinesteraseagainst Mosquito Vectors and Their Binding Mode of Interaction', PLOS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0155265. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Extract treatment (1,000 ppm) of both mosquitoes eggs resulted in to 100% ovicidal activity.
Gaurav Kumar, Loganathan Karthik, Bhaskara Rao Kokati Venkata, Arivarasan Vishnu Kirthi,Chidambaram Jayaseelan, Abdul Abdul Rahuman 2012, 'Phytochemical composition, mosquito larvicidal, ovicidal and repellent activity ofCalotropis procera against Culex tritaeniorhynchus and Culex gelidus', Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The ovicidal activity varied among the different extracts.
B Deepa, OK Remadevi 2015, 'Leaf Extracts of Lobelia nicotianaefolia as a Potential Biopesticide Against DefoliatorPests', Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Abametapir lotion, 0.74%, demonstrated significant ovicidal activity against head lice eggs with a single application.
Vernon Morrison Bowles PhD, Sharon Hanegraaf BSc, Tiina Ahveninen BN, Srinivas SidgiddiMD, Kent Allenby MD, Hugh Alsop BSc 2019, 'Effect of a New Head Lice Treatment, Abametapir Lotion, 0.74%, on Louse Eggs: A Randomized,Double-Blind Study', Global Pediatric Health Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Larvicidal and ovicidal activities of the fractions were dose dependent.
Maria Ruth B. Pineda-Cortel, Rachel Joy R. Cabantog, Paulo M. Caasi, Charles AnsonD. Ching, Joseph Benjamin S. Perez, Paulo Gabriel M. Godisan, Cheska Marie G. Latorre,Danielle R. Lucero, Reginald B. Salonga 2019, 'Larvicidal and ovicidal activities of Artocarpus blancoi extracts against Aedes aegypti',Pharmaceutical Biology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Similarly, ethyl acetate soluble fraction appeared to be the most ovicidal (80 ppm).
Maria Ruth B. Pineda-Cortel, Rachel Joy R. Cabantog, Paulo M. Caasi, Charles AnsonD. Ching, Joseph Benjamin S. Perez, Paulo Gabriel M. Godisan, Cheska Marie G. Latorre,Danielle R. Lucero, Reginald B. Salonga 2019, 'Larvicidal and ovicidal activities of Artocarpus blancoi extracts against Aedes aegypti',Pharmaceutical Biology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The ovicidal activity was exhibited by chloroform and ethyl acetate extract.
B. Deepa, O. K. Remadevi 2017, 'Insecticidal factors from the seeds of Erythrina indica Lam against Hyblaea puera,the most serious defoliator pest of teak', Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Maximum ovicidal activity at 100 ppm concentration was 67.95%.
Veeramuthu Duraipandiyan, Chelliah Muthu, Kathirvelu Baskar, Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi,Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu 2015, 'Evaluation of fractions and 5,7-dihydroxy-4',6-dimethoxy-flavone fromClerodendrumphlomidis Linn. F. against Helicoverpa armigera Hub.', Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The ovicidal effect was observed in all treatments.
Antonio Pancrácio de Souza, José Djair Vendramim 2000, 'Atividade ovicida de extratos aquosos de meliáceas sobre a mosca branca Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius) biótipo B em tomateiro Ovicidal activity of aqueous extracts of meliaceaeon the silverleaf whitefly for tomato', Scientia Agricola Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (