In American law, if someone takes theFifth Amendment, they refuse to answer a question because they think it might show that they are guilty of a crime. You can also say that someone invokes, pleads, or claims the Fifth Amendment.
Enron Chairman and CEO Kenneth Lay took the Fifth Amendment during his congressionaltestimony.
Fifth Amendment in British English
an amendment to the US Constitution stating that people may not be compelled to testify against themselves and that no person may be tried for a second time on a charge for which he or she has already been acquitted
2. take the fifth
Fifth Amendment in American English
an amendment to the U.S. Constitution mainly guaranteeing certain protections in criminal cases, specif. the clause protecting persons from being compelled to testify against themselves
Examples of 'Fifth Amendment' in a sentence
Fifth Amendment
`In America," Crosby informed him, `they stand on the Fifth Amendment.
Aird, Catherine A DEAD LIBERTY (2003)
I will not, however, put this witness back on the stand simply to plead his Fifth Amendment privilege.