well sunk through impermeable strata receiving water from an area at a higher altitude than that of the well
See full dictionary entry for artesian
artesian well in British English
(ɑːˈtiːzɪən, -ʒən)
a well sunk through impermeable strata into strata receiving water from an area ata higher altitude than that of the well, so that there is sufficient pressure to force water to flow upwards
Word origin
C19: from French artésien, from Old French Arteis Artois, old province, where such wells were common
artesian well in American English
a well drilled deep enough to reach water that is draining down from higher surrounding ground above the well so that the pressure will force a flow of water upward
Word origin
Fr artésien, lit., of Artois (OFr Arteis), where such wells were bored
Examples of 'artesian well' in a sentence
artesian well
`Underground spring, or artesian well, or something, my landlady says, "Luke said.