It was a late 1950s Oldsmobile, finned, rusted, painted many times, and, like the narrow highway, patched.
Armstrong, Campbell MAMBO (1991)
All related terms of 'finned'
A fish's fins are the flat objects which stick out of its body and help it to swim and keep its balance.
any of the firm appendages that are the organs of locomotion and balance in fishes and some other aquatic animals. Most fishes have paired and unpaired fins , the former corresponding to the limbs of higher vertebrates
vertical stabilizer
any of the firm appendages that are the organs of locomotion and balance in fishes and some other aquatic animals. Most fishes have paired and unpaired fins , the former corresponding to the limbs of higher vertebrates
(of certain teleost fishes ) having fins that are supported by flexible cartilaginous rays
(of certain fishes ) having fins that are supported by stiff bony spines