In addition to the uses shown below, back is also used in phrasal verbs such as 'date back' and 'fall back on'.
1. adverb [ADVERB after verb]
If you move back, you move in the opposite direction to the one in which you are facing or in whichyou were moving before.
The photographers drew back to let us view the body.
She stepped back from the door expectantly. [+ from]
He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench.
She pushes back her chair and stands.
Synonyms: backwards, in reverse, towards the rear, towards the back More Synonyms of back
2. adverb [ADVERB after verb, beADVERB]
If you go back somewhere, you return to where you were before.
I went back to bed. [+ to]
I'm due back in London by late afternoon. [+ in]
Smith changed his mind and moved back home.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
He made a round-trip to the terminal and back.
3. adverb [ADVERB after verb, beADVERB]
If someone or something is back in a particular state, they were in that state before and are now in it again.
The rail company said it expected services to get slowly back to normal.
Denise hopes to be back at work by the time her daughter is one.
Having recently bought an old typewriter, I am now trying to bring it back into workingorder.
Synonyms: again, as before More Synonyms of back
4. adverb [ADVERB after verb]
If you give or put something back, you return it to the person who had it or to the place where it was before you tookit. If you get or take something back, you then have it again after not having it for a while.
She handed the knife back.
Put it back in the freezer. [+ in]
You'll get your money back.
5. adverb [ADVERB after verb]
If you put a clock or watch back, you change the time shown on it so that it shows an earlier time, for example whenthe time changes to winter time or standard time.
6. adverb [ADVERB after verb]
If you write or call back, you write to or phone someone after they have written to or phoned you. If you look back at someone, you look at them after they have started looking at you.
They wrote back to me and they told me that I didn't have to do it. [+ to]
If the phone rings, say you'll call back after dinner.
Lee looked at Theodora. She stared back.
7. adverb [ADVERB after verb]
You can say that you go or come backto a particular point in a conversation to show that you are mentioning or discussing it again.
Can I come back to the question of policing once again? [+ to]
To come back to what I said in the Introduction, in the nineteenth century Spainwas fully a part of Europe.
Going back to the school, how many staff are there? [+ to]
Synonyms: ago, before, earlier, in the past More Synonyms of back
8. adverb [ADVERB after verb, beADVERB]
If something is or comes back, it is fashionable again after it has been unfashionable for some time.
Short skirts are back.
Consensus politics could easily come back into fashion. [+ into]
9. adverb [ADVERB after verb, beADVERB]
If someone or something is kept or situated backfrom a place, they are at a distance away from it.
Keep back from the edge of the platform. [+ from]
I'm a few miles back from the border. [+ from]
He started for Dot's bedroom and Myrtle held him back.
Synonyms: at a distance, far, away, apart More Synonyms of back
10. adverb [ADVERB after verb]
If something is held or tied back, it is held or tied so that it does not hang loosely over something.
Her hair was tied back.
The curtains were held back by tassels.
11. adverb [ADVERB after verb]
If you lie or sit back, you move your body backwards into a relaxed sloping or flat position, with your head and body resting on something.
She lay back and stared at the ceiling.
She leaned back in her chair and smiled.
12. adverb [ADVERB after verb]
If you look or shout back at someone or something, you turn to look or shout at them when they are behind you.
Nick looked back over his shoulder and then stopped, frowning.
He called back to her.
13. adverb
You use back in expressions like back in London or back at the house when you are giving an account, to show that you are going to start talking about what happened or was happening in the place you mention.
Meanwhile, back in London, Palace Pictures was collapsing. [+ in]
Later, back at home, the telephone rang. [+ at]
14. adverb [ADVERB with verb, noun ADVERB]
If you talk about something that happened back in the past or several years back, you are emphasizing that it happened quite a long time ago.
The story starts back in 1950, when I was five. [+ in]
I was in St. Lucia back in January of this year.
He contributed £50m to the project a few years back.
15. adverb [ADVERB after verb]
If you think backto something that happened in the past, you remember it or try to remember it.
I thought back to the time in 1975 when my son was desperately ill. [+ to]
My mind flew back to stories I had heard about Vinnie.
See back and forth
17. to cast your mind back
More Synonyms of back
back opposite of front; noun and adjective uses
Word forms: plural backs
1. countable noun [oft poss NOUN]
A person's or animal's back is the part of their body between their head and their legs that is on the oppositeside to their chest and stomach.
Her son was lying peacefully on his back.
She turned her back to the audience.
Three of the victims were shot in the back.
He threw the old cloth saddle across the donkey's back.
Synonyms: spine, backbone, vertebrae, spinal column More Synonyms of back
2. countable noun [usually singular]
The backof something is the side or part of it that is towards the rear or farthest from thefront. The back of something is normally not used or seen as much as the front.
...a room at the back of the shop. [+ of]
She raised her hands to the back of her neck. [+ of]
Smooth the mixture with the back of a soup spoon. [+ of]
Her room was on the third floor, at the back.
Synonyms: rear, other side, back end, rear side More Synonyms of back
3. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Back is used to refer to the side or part of something that is towards the rear or farthestfrom the front.
He opened the back door.
Ann could remember sitting in the back seat of their car.
...the back room of a pub in Camden.
...the path leading to the back garden.
Synonyms: rearmost, hind, hindmost More Synonyms of back
4. countable noun [usually singular]
The back of a chair or sofa is the part that you lean against when you sit on it.
There was a neatly folded pink sweater on the back of the chair. [+ of]
Synonyms: reverse, rear, other side, wrong side More Synonyms of back
5. countable noun [usually singular]
The back of something such as a piece of paper or an envelope is the side which is less important.
He scribbled some notes on the back of the envelope. [+ of]
6. countable noun [usually singular]
The back of a book is the part nearest the end, where you can find the index or the notes, for example.
...the index at the back of the book. [+ of]
You've given a whole list of names and addresses at the back.
Synonyms: end More Synonyms of back
7. singular noun
You can use back in expressions such as round the back and out the back to refer generally to the area behind a house or other building.
[British, spoken]
He had chickens and things round the back.
The privy's out the back.
8. uncountable noun
You use back in expressions such as out back to refer to the area behind a house or other building. You also use in back to refer to the rear part of something, especially a car or building.
Dan informed her that he would be out back on the patio cleaning his shoes.
Catlett got behind the wheel and I sat in back.
She hurried to the kitchen in back of the store.
[Also + of]
9. countable noun
In team games such as football and hockey, a back is a player who is concerned mainly with preventing the other team from scoring goals,rather than scoring goals for their own team.
10. countable noun
In American football, a back is a player who stands behind the front line, runs with the ball and attacks ratherthan defends.
See to do something behind someone's back
See to break the back of sth
13. phrase
If two or more things are done back to back, one follows immediately after the other without any interruption.
...two half-hour shows, which will be screened back to back.
See back to front
See to get off sb's back
See on the back of
See on the back foot/put someone on the back foot
See you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours
See to see the back of someone
See to turn your back on sb/sth
See to get/put sb's back up
22. off the back of a lorry
23. to take a back seat
24. to have your back to the wall
back verb uses
Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense backs, present participle backing, past tense, past participle backed
1. verb
If a building backsonto something, the back of it faces in the direction of that thing or touches the edgeof that thing.
We live in a ground floor flat which backs onto a busy street. [V + onto]
His garden backs onto a school. [V + onto]
2. verb
When you back a car or other vehicle somewhere or when it backs somewhere, it moves backwards.
He backed his car out of the drive. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
The train backed out of Adelaide Yard on to the Dublin-Belfast line. [VERB preposition/adverb]
I heard the engines revving as the lorries backed and turned. [VERB]
3. verb
If you back a person or a course of action, you support them, for example by voting for themor giving them money.
There is a new witness to back his claim that he is a victim of mistaken identity. [VERB noun]
...if France cannot persuade all five permanent members of the Security Council toback the plan. [VERB noun]
The prime minister was backed a majority in parliament. [VERB noun]
-backedcombining form
...government-backed loans to Egypt.
4. verb
If you back a particular person, team, or horse in a competition, you predict that they will win, and usually you bet money that they will win.
He was heavily backed to win two Majors. [VERB noun to-infinitive]
The horse's owner Mr Hitchins backed him at 200-1 to finish in the first three. [VERB noun to-infinitive]
It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: gamble on, bet (money) on, speculate on, punt on [mainly British] More Synonyms of back
5. verb [usually passive]
If a singer is backedby a band or by other singers, they provide the musical background for the singer.
She was backed by acoustic guitar, bass and congas. [beVERB-ed + by]
6. See also backing
Phrasal verbs:
See back away
See back down
See back off
See back out
See back up
back in British English1
the posterior part of the human body, extending from the neck to the pelvis
▶ Related adjective: dorsal
the corresponding or upper part of an animal
the spinal column
the part or side of an object opposite the front
the part or side of anything less often seen or used
the back of a carpet
the back of a knife
the part or side of anything that is furthest from the front or from a spectator
the back of the stage
the convex part of something
the back of a hill
the back of a ship
something that supports, covers, or strengthens the rear of an object
9. ball games
a mainly defensive player behind a forward
the position of such a player
the part of a book to which the pages are glued or that joins the covers
11. mining
the side of a passage or layer nearest the surface
the earth between that level and the next
the upper surface of a joist, rafter, slate, tile, etc, when in position
Compare bed (sense 13)
13. at one's back
14. at the back of one's mind
15. back of beyond
16. behind one's back
17. break one's back
18. break the back of
19. get off someone's back
20. have on one's back
21. have someone's back
22. on one's back
23. on someone's back
24. put one's back into
25. put someone's back up
26. see the back of
27. turn one's back on
28. with one's back to the wall
verb(mainly tr)
29. (also intr)
to move or cause to move backwards
to provide support, money, or encouragement for (a person, enterprise, etc)
to bet on the success of
to back a horse
to provide with a back, backing, or lining
to provide with a music accompaniment
a soloist backed by an orchestra
to provide a background for; be at the back of
mountains back the town
to countersign or endorse
36. archaic
to mount the back of
37. (intr; foll by on or onto)
to have the back facing (towards)
the house backs onto a river
38. (intransitive)
(of the wind) to change direction in an anticlockwise direction in the northern hemisphere and a clockwise direction in the southern
veer1 (sense 3a)
39. nautical
to position (a sail) so that the wind presses on its opposite side
40. back and fill
situated behind
a back lane
of the past
back issues of a magazine
owing from an earlier date
back rent
44. mainly US, Australian and New Zealand
back country
(of a road) not direct
moving in a backward direction
back current
47. phonetics
of, relating to, or denoting a vowel articulated with the tongue retracted towards the soft palate, as for the vowels in English hard, fall, hot, full, fool
at, to, or towards the rear; away from something considered to be the front; backwards;behind
in, to, or towards the original starting point, place, or condition
to go back home
put the book back
my headache has come back
in or into the past
to look back on one's childhood
in reply, repayment, or retaliation
to hit someone back
pay back a debt
to answer back
in check
the dam holds back the water
in concealment; in reserve
to keep something back
to hold back information
54. back and forth
55. back to front
Word origin
Old English bæc; related to Old Norse bak, Old Frisian bek, Old High German bah
back in British English2
a large tub or vat, esp one used by brewers
Word origin
C17: from Dutch bak tub, cistern, from Old French bac, from Vulgar Latin bacca (unattested) vessel for liquids
Back in American English
river in N Canada, flowing northeast into the Arctic Ocean: c. 600 mi (966 km)
Word origin
after George Back (1796-1878), Arctic navigator
back in American English1
the part of the body opposite to the front; in humans and many other animals, thepart to the rear or top reaching from the nape of the neck to the end of the spine
the backbone or spine
the part of a chair that supports one's back
the part of a garment or harness that fits on the back of a person or animal
physical strength
put some back into the work
the rear or hinder part of anything; part behind or opposite the front
the back of the room, the back of his leg
the part or side of anything that is less often used, seen, etc.
the back of the hand; the back of a carpet, textile, etc.; the back of a knife
the part of a book where the sections are sewed or glued together; part covered bythe spine
the spine of a book
9. Mining
the roof or overhead part of an underground passage
10. Sport
a player positioned behind many of his or her teammates, as a running back in footballor a halfback in soccer
at the rear or back; behind
distant or remote
back country
of or for a time in the past
a back copy of a newspaper, back pay
in a backward direction; returning; reversed
a back step
15. Phonetics
articulated with the tongue toward the back of the mouth
said of certain vowels, as (o̅o) in cool
at, to, or toward the rear; backward
to or toward a former position or location
into or toward a previous condition
to or toward an earlier time
so as to keep in reserve or concealment
to hold back information
in return or requital
to pay someone back
verb transitive
to cause to move backward, or to the rear
often with up
to be at the back of; stand behind
to support or help, as with money, endorsement, etc.
to make a wager in support of; bet on
to get on the back of; mount
to provide with a back or backing
to form the back of
to sign on the back; endorse
to provide security for (a currency, loan, etc.)
verb intransitive
to move or go backward
to back into a room
to move (into a desired position) through the faulty performance of an opponent
to back into a championship
to have the back in a certain place or direction
the house backs on a lake
33. Meteorology
to shift counterclockwise (in the Northern Hemisphere)
said of the changing direction of a wind see also veer1 (sense 3)
back and fill
back and forth
back down
back off
back out
back out of
back up
back water
behind someone's back
be (flat) on one's back
get off someone's back
get one's back up
go back on
(in) back of
put someone's back up
turn one's back on
with one's back to the wall
Word origin
ME bak < OE baec; akin to ON bak, OHG bahho
back in American English2
a vat or tub used in certain industrial processes
Word origin
Du bak < LL bacca, water bowl
More idioms containing
to hell and back
set someone back on their heels
someone can do something with one hand tied behind their back
know something like the back of your hand
have to do something with one hand tied behind your back
throw something back in someone's face
have eyes in the back of your head
pin someone's ears back
pin back your ears
do something by the back door
come back from the dead
cover your back
pay someone back in their own coin
wish you could turn back the clock
put something on the back burner
go back to the drawing board
you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
when your back is turned
turn your back on something
turn your back on someone
stab someone in the back
say something behind someone's back
put your back into something
put someone's back up
on the back of a postage stamp
on the back of an envelope
off the back of a lorry
have your back to the wall
get off someone's back
do something behind someone's back
break your back
break the back of something
be on someone's back
be glad to see the back of someone
the back of beyond
back the wrong horse
a back number
get your own back
go behind someone's back
a pat on the back
make a rod for your own back
take a back seat
have never looked back
be back to square one
the straw that breaks the camel's back
fed up to the back teeth with something
like water off a duck's back
go back a long way
have a monkey on your back
COBUILD Collocations
bad back
Examples of 'back' in a sentence
You will also have a much better chance of getting any stolen money back from your bank.
The Sun (2017)
How to put the place back on the map?
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
They give their lives and they need something back.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
That feeling lasts until you go back and beat them.
The Sun (2016)
His face is etched with happiness and pain as he leans back in his chair.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
What she wants most of all is to see her mum and dad back together again.
The Sun (2016)
He is the only horse anyone is backing in the race.
The Sun (2016)
First, investors have moved back into equities from their previously cautious positions in less risky bonds.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
You will sleep soundly when you hand a money problem back to its rightful owner.
The Sun (2012)
The public clearly will back such moves.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
She took me back to square one.
The Sun (2009)
Perhaps a clue is accepting his good fortune and wishing to put something back.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
It is often something that goes back to childhood.
The Sun (2009)
Wulfgar leaned back in his chair enjoying the festivities and entertainment.
Kathleen E. Woodiwiss THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
Will tried to conjure up their blissful months together but before long he spiralled back down again.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
You could say it was a case of getting back on the horse.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
But employers should look into it because it can provide significant funds back to them.
Christianity Today (2000)
The left back was also sent off for protesting with the referee after being substituted.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
There will always be people whispering behind my back.
The Sun (2012)
Maybe still feeling his way back from injury but no surprise he was hooked.
The Sun (2014)
We went back to our vehicles and then drove slowly over to the other side.
Stewart, Bob (Lt-Col) Broken Lives (1993)
We piloted one another back into the house.
Ben Nimmo IN FORKBEARD'S WAKE: Coasting Round Scandinavia (2003)
The least popular seats will be middle seats in the middle aisle towards the back.
The Sun (2012)
The taxi driver backed up beside them and threw open the back door.
Paige, Frances The Glasgow Girls (1994)
Then he looked at his watch and said that he had to get back.
John Cornwell Seminary Boy (2006)
Could be time to get back on that train after all.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
They want to use their pace to run forward and get past the back line.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Soldiers said the situation was real and told us to find shelter before they all hurried back to their base.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Or you could just switch back to the football, like you really want to.
The Sun (2014)
He went back to Scotland Yard with his life in tatters.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Word lists with
parts of a book, rugby
In other languages
British English: back /bæk/ ADJECTIVE
Back is used to refer to the part of something that is farthest from the front.
He opened the back door.
American English: back
Arabic: خَلْفِيّ
Brazilian Portuguese: traseiro
Chinese: 后面的
Croatian: stražnji
Czech: zadní
Danish: bag-
Dutch: achter
European Spanish: trasero
Finnish: taka-
French: arrière au fond
German: rückständig
Greek: πίσω
Italian: posteriore
Japanese: 後ろの
Korean: 뒤의
Norwegian: bakre
Polish: tylny
European Portuguese: traseiro
Romanian: din spate
Russian: задний
Latin American Spanish: trasero que está o viene detrás
Swedish: bak- ej fram
Thai: ซึ่งผ่านมาแล้ว ซึ่งอยู่ด้านหลัง
Turkish: arka
Ukrainian: задній
Vietnamese: ở phía sau
British English: back /bæk/ ADVERB
If you move back, you move away from the way you are facing.
She stepped back from the door.
American English: back
Arabic: إِلى الوَرَاء
Brazilian Portuguese: retroceder
Chinese: 向后
Croatian: natrag
Czech: zpět
Danish: tilbage
Dutch: terug
European Spanish: atrás
Finnish: takaisin
French: arrière
German: zurück
Greek: μακριά από
Italian: indietro
Japanese: 後ろに
Korean: 뒤로 뒤에
Norwegian: bakover
Polish: z powrotem
European Portuguese: retroceder
Romanian: înapoi
Russian: назад
Latin American Spanish: atrás
Swedish: tillbaka
Thai: กลับไปสภาพเดิม
Turkish: arkada
Ukrainian: назад
Vietnamese: về phía sau
British English: back /bæk/ NOUN
part of body Your back is the part of your body from your neck to your bottom.
He was lying on his back in the grass.
American English: back
Arabic: ظَهْر
Brazilian Portuguese: costas
Chinese: 后背
Croatian: leđa
Czech: záda
Danish: ryg
Dutch: rug
European Spanish: espalda
Finnish: selkä
French: dos
German: Rücken
Greek: πλάτη
Italian: schiena
Japanese: 背中
Korean: 등
Norwegian: rygg
Polish: plecy
European Portuguese: costas
Romanian: spate
Russian: спина
Latin American Spanish: espalda
Swedish: rygg
Thai: หลัง ส่วนหลัง
Turkish: sırt
Ukrainian: спина
Vietnamese: lưng
British English: back /bæk/ VERB
If a building backs onto something, the back of it faces that thing.
Our flat backs onto a busy street.
American English: back
Arabic: يُطِلُّ ظَهْره على
Brazilian Portuguese: apoiar
Chinese: 后退
Croatian: gledati na
Czech: sousedit zezadu
Danish: vende bagsiden mod
Dutch: ergens met de rug naar staan
European Spanish: dar a
Finnish: tukea
French: être attenant
German: zurücksetzen
Greek: πίσω θέα
Italian: il retro dà su
Japanese: 後退させる
Korean: 후원하다
Norwegian: rygge
Polish: cofnąć
European Portuguese: ter as traseiras viradas para
Romanian: a sta cu spatele
Russian: выходить задним фасадом
Latin American Spanish: lindar por atrás con
Swedish: backa
Thai: ถอยหลัง สนับสนุน
Turkish: gerilemek
Ukrainian: відступати
Vietnamese: quay lưng ra
British English: back /bæk/ NOUN
rear The back of something is the side or part of it that is farthest from the front.
She was in a room at the back of the shop.
American English: back
Arabic: خَلْف
Brazilian Portuguese: traseiras
Chinese: 后部
Croatian: pozadina
Czech: zadní strana
Danish: bag
Dutch: achterkant
European Spanish: parte posterior
Finnish: takana
French: fond
German: Rückseite
Greek: πίσω
Italian: retro
Japanese: 奥
Korean: 뒤쪽
Norwegian: bakside
Polish: tył
European Portuguese: parte de trás
Romanian: partea din spate
Russian: задняя часть
Latin American Spanish: posterior
Swedish: bakre delen
Thai: ด้านหลัง
Turkish: arka
Ukrainian: задній бік
Vietnamese: phía sau
All related terms of 'back'
a wingback or slotback
back up
If someone or something backs up a statement , they supply evidence to suggest that it is true .
go back
If something goes back to a particular time in the past , it was made or started at that time.
back away
If you back away from a commitment that you made or something that you were involved with in the past , you try to show that you are no longer committed to it or involved with it.
back bay
a small bay or inlet of a lake
back copy
A back copy of a magazine or newspaper is the same as a → back issue .
back dive
a dive in which the diver stands on the springboard with the back to the water and jumps up, arching backward to land either feetfirst facing the springboard or headfirst facing away from the springboard
back door
a door at the rear or side of a building
back down
If you back down , you withdraw a claim, demand , or commitment that you made earlier, because other people are strongly opposed to it.
back emf
an electromagnetic force appearing in an inductive circuit in such a direction as to oppose any change of current in the circuit
back end
back foot
→ on the back foot
back four
the defensive players in many modern team formations : usually two fullbacks and two centre backs
to strike the ball with one's heel and make it go behind one
back lot
an outdoor area, usually adjoining a studio , used for the shooting of exterior scenes
back nine
the holes of a golf course numbered 10 through 18, regarded as a unit
back off
If you back off , you move away in order to avoid problems or a fight .
back out
If you back out , you decide not to do something that you previously agreed to do.
back pain
pain that is felt in the back
back pass
a deliberate pass backwards to the goalkeeper
back pay
Back pay is money which an employer owes an employee for work that he or she did in the past .
back rest
a support for the back of something
back road
A back road is a small country road with very little traffic .
back room
a place where research or planning is done, esp secret research in wartime
back row
the forwards at the rear of a scrum
back rub
a form of massage in which the masseur rubs one's back
back seat
a seat at the back , esp of a vehicle
back talk
saucy or insolent retorts
back vent
a vent situated on the sewer side of a trap
back yard
an area, usually paved , at the rear of a building
bad back
A person's or animal's back is the part of their body between their head and their legs that is on the opposite side to their chest and stomach .
beat back
to force to retreat ; drive back
bite back
If you bite back a feeling or something that you were going to say , you stop yourself from expressing it.
Blow-back is when the air flow through a carburetor suddenly changes direction . This is often caused by incorrect ignition .
A buy-back is a situation in which a company buys shares back from its investors.
call back
If you call someone back , you telephone them again or in return for a telephone call that they have made to you.
cast back
to turn (the mind) to the past
clap back
to respond sharply or angrily to a critical remark
claw back
If someone claws back some of the money or power they had lost , they get some of it back again.
comb back
a Windsor chair back in which the vertical spindles are surmounted by a broad, carved crest rail resembling a comb
come back
If something that you had forgotten comes back to you, you remember it.
cut back
If you cut back something such as expenditure or cut back on it, you reduce it.
date back
If something dates back to a particular time, it started or was made at that time.
die back
If a plant dies back , its leaves die but its roots remain alive .
draw back
to withdraw ; retreat
drop back
to move back; retreat
fade back
to move back from the line of scrimmage , as in order to throw a forward pass
fall back
If you fall back , you move backwards a short distance away from someone or something.
In rugby or football , a full-back is a defending player whose position is towards the goal which their team is defending.
get back
If someone or something gets back to a state they were in before, they are then in that state again.
⇒ The union will back Mr Green.工会将支持格林先生。 (Gōnghuì jiāng zhīchí Gélín xiānsheng.)
(financially) 资(資)助 (zīzhù)
⇒ The group is backed by big multinationals.该团体由大型的跨国公司资助。 (Gāi tuántǐ yóu dàxíng de kuàguó gōngsī zīzhù.)
(= bet on)[horse, team]下赌(賭)注于(於) (xià dǔzhù yú)
⇒ Did you back the winner?你是否赌赢家? (Nǐ shìfǒu dǔ yíngjiā?)
(= reverse)[car]倒 (dào)
⇒ She backed the car a few feet.她把车向后倒了几英尺。 (Tā bǎ chē xiànghòu dàole jǐ yīngchǐ.)
(= reverse)[person, car etc]倒着(著)行驶(駛) (dàozhe xíngshǐ)
⇒ She backed out of the drive.她倒着行驶出车道。 (Tā dàozhe xíngshǐ chū chēdào.)
[garden, door, room, wheels]后(後)面的 (hòumiàn de)
[payment, rent]拖欠的 (tuōqiàn de)
(= not forward) 向后(後) (xiàng hòu)
⇒ Charlie glanced back.查理向后扫了一眼。 (Chálǐ xiàng hòu sǎole yī yǎn.)
(= returned) 回 (huí)
to be back回来(來) (huílai)
⇒ He's back.他回来了。 (Tā huílai le.)
(when returning sth) 还(還) (huán)
⇒ She handed the knife back.她把刀还回来了。 (Tā bǎ dāo huán huílái le.)
(repetition) 回 (huí)
⇒ She stared back at me.她回瞪着我。 (Tā huí dèngzhe wǒ.)
(= in the past) 以前 (yǐqián)
⇒ The story starts back in 1950.故事开始于1950年。 (Gùshì kāishǐ yú yījiǔwǔlíng nián.)
(= away) 远(遠)离(離) (yuǎnlí)
⇒ Keep back from the edge of the platform.站在远离站台边缘的地方。 (Zhàn zài yuǎnlí zhàntái biānyuán de dìfang.)
to do sth behind sb's back背着(著)某人做某事 (bèizhe mǒurén zuò mǒushì)
can I have it back?我能要回它吗(嗎)? (wǒ néng yàohuí tā ma?)
to turn one's back on sb/sth (fig) 不理睬某人/某事 (bù lǐcǎi mǒurén/mǒushì)
to have one's back to the wall (fig) 陷入绝(絕)境 (xiànrù juéjìng)
to break the back of a job度过(過)最艰(艱)难(難)的时(時)刻 (dùguò zuì jiānnán de shíkè)
to take a back seat (fig) 把权(權)利让(讓)与(與)他人 (bǎ quánlì ràngyǔ tārén)
back and forth来(來)回 (láihuí)
at the back (of) (of crowd, building) 在( ... 的)后(後)面 (zài ( ... de) hòumiàn)
back to front (esp Brit) 前后(後)倒置 (qiánhòu dàozhì)
⇒ You've got your T-shirt on back to front.你把T恤衫前后穿反了。 (Nǐ bǎ T xù shān qiánhòu chuānfǎn le.)
All related terms of 'back'
back up
( support : statement, theory ) 证(證)实(實) zhèngshí ⇒ Her views are backed up by an official report on crime. → 一份官方犯罪报告证实了她的观点。 Yī fèn guānfāng fànzuì bàogào zhèngshíle tā de guāndiǎn.
go back
( return ) 返回 fǎnhuí
back off
( draw back ) 退避 tuìbì
back out
( withdraw ) 退出 tuìchū
buy back
回买(買) huímǎi
cut back
( plants, foliage ) 修剪 xiūjiǎn
get back
( return ) 回来(來) huílái
hit back
( lit : strike ) 回击(擊) huíjī
lie back
( person ) 向后(後)靠 xiànghòu kào
pay back
( money, loan ) 偿(償)还(還) chánghuán
put back
( replace ) 放回 fànghuí ⇒ I put the book back on the shelf. → 我把书放回书架。 Wǒ bǎ shū fànghuí shūjià.
set back
( cost )
sit back
( fig ) 在一旁闲(閒)着(著) zài yīpáng xiánzhe
back away
向后(後)退 xiàng hòu tuì
back down
做出让(讓)步 zuòchū ràngbù
back onto
背靠 bèikào
back pain
背痛 bèitòng [ 阵(陣) zhèn ] ⇒ to have back pain → 背痛 bèitòng
call back
( return ) 回来(來) huílái
come back
( return ) 回来(來) huílái
date back
▶ date back (to) 回溯(至 ... ) huíshù (zhì ... )
fall back
( retreat ) 撤退 chètuì
get back!
快回来(來)! kuài huílái!
give back
( money, book etc ) 交还(還) jiāohuán
hang back
( hesitate ) 踌(躊)躇不前 chóuchú bù qián
hold back
( person, progress ) 阻拦(攔) zǔlán ⇒ She's very ambitious, so don't try to hold her back. → 她很有野心,别阻拦她。 Tā hěn yǒu yěxīn, bié zǔlán tā.
keep back
( reserve : paint, ingredients ) 保留 bǎoliú ⇒ Keep back enough juice to make the sauce. → 留足够的汁做调味汁。 Liú zúgòu de zhī zuò tiáowèizhī.
松(鬆)弛的 sōngchí de
lead back
带(帶)回 dàihuí
look back
( think back ) 回(迴)顾(顧) huígù ⇒ The past always seems better when you look back on it. → 当你回顾往事的时候,过去总是那么美好。 Dāng nǐ huígù wǎngshì de shíhou, guòqù zǒngshì nàme měihǎo.
move back
( return : to town, area ) 回来(來) huílái
peel back
剥(剝)开(開) bōkāi
play back
( recording, message, video ) 回放 huífàng
pull back
( retreat : troops ) 撤退 chètuì
push back
( chair, hair ) 往后(後)推 wǎnghòu tuī
ring back
回电(電)话(話) huí diànhuà [ 美 = call back ]
send back
( goods ) 退还(還) tuìhuán
step back
▶ to step back (from sth) ( fig ) 跳出(某事)来(來)看 tiàochū (mǒushì) lái kàn
take back
( return : goods ) 退回 tuìhuí
turn back
往回走 wǎnghuí zǒu
answer back
顶(頂)嘴 dǐngzuǐ
bring back
( return ) 带(帶)回来(來) dài huílái ⇒ She brought my book back. → 她把我的书带回来了。 Tā bǎ wǒ de shū dài huílái le.
▶ to plough sth back (into sth) ( profits ) 把某事再投资(資)(于(於)某事) bǎ mǒushì zài tóuzī (yú mǒushì)
strike back
( Mil ) 反击(擊) fǎnjī
think back
▶ to think back (to sth) 回想起(某事) huíxiǎngqǐ (mǒushì)
1 (adverb)
at, to, or towards the rear
She stepped back from the door expectantly.
Bess glanced backwards.
in reverse
towards the rear
towards the back
2 (adverb)
to or towards the original starting point or condition
Jeff hopes to be back at work by the time his daughter is one.
as before
3 (adverb)
Keep back from the edge of the platform.
at a distance
They live thirty miles away from town.
He saw her standing some distance apart.
out of the way
4 (adverb)
They had a big lottery win a few years back.
He arrived here a few days ago.
I've been here before.
For reasons mentioned earlier, I will not be able to attend.
in the past
Previously she had no time to work in her own garden.
1 (noun)
the spinal column
The treatment involved tiny injections in the back.
fractures of the hip and spine
He was so thin that his backbone was visible.
spinal column
vertebral column
2 (noun)
the part or side of an object opposite the front
a room at the back of the shop
He settled back in the rear of the taxi.
other side
back end
rear side
3 (noun)
the customers at the back of the queue
an ashtray overflowing with cigarette ends
tail end
4 (noun)
the part of anything less often seen or used
She had written a poem on the back of a postcard.
on the reverse of the coin
other side
wrong side
flip side
5 (noun)
The index at the back of the book lists both brand and generic names.
6 (noun)
hind part
far end
tail end
Sit down on your posterior.
1 (adjective)
situated behind
a path leading to the back garden
2 (adjective)
He loved sitting in the back seat on road trips.
Suddenly the cow kicked up its hind legs.
3 (adjective)
A handful of back copies will give an indication of property prices.
They had brought their furniture from their previous house.
Earlier reports of a second referendum have not been confirmed.
I learned from my former boss that it was fun to work.
a return to the turbulence of past centuries
out of date
These tax records are now out of date.
4 (adjective)
They had transmitters taped to their back feathers.
the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
5 (adjective)
owing from an earlier date
He owed three months' back rent.
I'll go and pay an overdue visit to my mother.
1 (verb)
He is backed by the civic movement.
He supported the hardworking people.
He seconded the motion against fox hunting.
a software system to aid managers in decision-making
He passionately championed the poor.
Their task is to encourage private investment in Russia.
We favour greater protection of the environment.
The members of the committee strongly defended their decision.
His country will do everything possible to promote peace.
He may seem ready to sanction the use of force.
I am sustained by letters of support.
a chemical that assists in the manufacture of proteins
They advocate fewer government controls on business.
I can endorse this statement wholeheartedly.
side with
stand up for
She ran away to Mexico and espoused the revolutionary cause.
stand behind
The planners will not countenance any changes to the exterior of the barn.
We shall strike hard at terrorists and those who abet them.
stick up for (informal)
take up the cudgels for
, combat,
2 (verb)
to provide money for (a person or enterprise)
Murjani backed him to start the new company.
a government decision to subsidize coal mining
If you're not willing to help me, I'll find somebody who will.
I have children to support, and a home to be maintained.
new taxes to finance increased military expenditure
They are sponsoring a major pop art exhibition.
They decided to assist me with my chores.
a special agency to underwrite small business loans
3 (verb)
to bet on the success of
It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser.
gamble on
bet (money) on
speculate on
punt on mainly British)
put money on
take a risk on
put your shirt on
stake money on
chance money on
wager money on
pledge money on
venture money on
4 (verb)
to provide (a pop singer) with a musical accompaniment
She chose to be backed by a classy trio of acoustic guitars.
He accompanies her on all but one song.
Phrasal verbs
See back away
See back away from something
See back down
See back off
See back off from something
See back out
See back out of something
See back someone up
See back something up
See behind someone's back
related words
related adjectivedorsal
figurative note
The back is the posterior part of the human body, extending from the neck to the pelvis. It is conceived as the part of any object opposite the front or to the rear, in examples like the back of a car. It can also mean the tail end, e.g. the back of a queue. The reverse side of an object can equally be denoted by back, e.g. the back of a packet. We describe the past and the future in terms of backwards and forwards. As an adjective, back means `previous' in the expression back catalogue, and, as an adverb, back means `previously' in the expression a few years back. The back plays an important role in supporting the human body, therefore backing is another word for support and assistance. We cannot see what is going on behind our backs, therefore this expression denotes secrecy and even wrongdoing.
Additional synonyms
in the sense of abet
to help or encourage in wrongdoing
We shall strike hard at terrorists and those who abet them.
egg on,
in the sense of advocate
to recommend a course of action publicly
They advocate fewer government controls on business.
campaign for,
speak for,
press for,
argue for,
plead for,
hold a brief for (informal)
in the sense of aid
to help financially or in other ways
a software system to aid managers in decision-making