[1900–05; flap + -y1; prob. re-formation and not continuous with obs. flappyflabby]This word is first recorded in the period 1900–05. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: burnout, cathode-ray tube, desensitize, hydroplane, internship-y is a native English suffix of adjectives meaning “characterized by or inclined to”the substance or action of the word or stem to which the suffix is attached. Otherwords that use the affix -y include: dreamy, grouchy, juicy, rumbly
Examples of 'flappy' in a sentence
The soldier with the flappy boots began to rise, so I did too and tried making the door.
Dexter Petley WHITE LIES (2003)
In other words, sleeping outdoors in anything other than a flappy piece of canvas.
The Sun (2016)
Their cardigans are too 'flappy', the dresses too 'unsleevy'.