a chemical entity, such as a molecule or group, that exhibits fluorescence
fluorochrome in American English
(ˈflʊrəˌkroʊm; ˈflɔrəˌkroʊm)
any of a number of fluorescent substances used to stain biological specimens for study
fluorochrome in American English
(ˈflurəˌkroum, ˈflɔr-, ˈflour-)
any of a group of fluorescent dyes used to label biological material
Word origin
[fluoro- + -chrome]fluoro- is a combining form with the meanings “fluorine,” “fluoride,” used in the formationof compound words. Other words that use the affix fluoro- include: chlorofluoromethane, fluorocarbon, fluorouracil, photofluorogram, photofluorography
Examples of 'fluorochrome' in a sentence
The binding of analyte to an immobilized probe is detected via a detection reagent labeled with the third fluorochrome.