释义 |
Definition to ease or gloss over an attempt to smooth over the violent splits that have occurred See smooth SeequellNearby words ofsmooth something over or out - smoke something or someone out
- smoky
- smooth
- smooth something over or out
- smooth-talking
- smoothness
- smother
Additional synonymsDefinition to relieve (grief, pain, or thirst) She was trying to assuage her guilt. Synonyms relieve, ease, calm, moderate, temper, soothe, lessen, alleviate, lighten, allay, mitigate, quench, palliateDefinition to make or become less difficult or severe I made her a hot water bottle to ease the pain. Synonyms relieve, calm, moderate, soothe, lessen, alleviate, appease, lighten, lower, allay, relax, still, mitigate, assuage, pacify, mollify, tranquillize, palliateSynonyms mitigate, reduce, qualify, excuse, moderate, weaken, diminish, temper, decrease, soften, play down, lessen, minimize, make allowances for, palliateDefinition to make less severe or harsh ways of mitigating the effects of an explosion Synonyms ease, moderate, soften, check, quiet, calm, weaken, dull, diminish, temper, blunt, soothe, subdue, lessen, appease, lighten, remit, allay, placate, abate, tone down, assuage, pacify, mollify, take the edge off, extenuate, tranquillize, palliate, reduce the force of Definition to lessen the severity of (pain or disease) without curing it Certain drugs can palliate the main symptoms. Synonyms relieve, relax, ease, moderate, diminish, temper, soften, soothe, alleviate, mitigate, assuage, mollifyDefinition to make or become more sympathetic and less critical He could not think how to soften the blow of what he had to tell her. Synonyms lessen, moderate, diminish, temper, lower, relax, ease, calm, modify, cushion, soothe, subdue, alleviate, lighten, quell, muffle, allay, mitigate, abate, tone down, assuageDefinition (of an ointment or cream) to relieve (pain) Lemon tisanes with honey can soothe sore throats. Synonyms relieve, ease, alleviate, dull, diminish, soften, assuage, deaden, take the edge off, allay |