Change your habits and focus the energies you spent planning your wedding on something else.
The Sun (2012)
Other ideas included focusingenergy on ethical investments.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
If I'd focused that energy on acting, I'd have won an Oscar by now.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Definition of 'energy'
(enəʳdʒi)Explore 'energy' in the dictionary
countable noun [usually plural]
Your energies are your efforts and attention, which you can direct towards a particular aim.
Definition of 'focus'
(foʊkəs) (foʊsaɪ)Explore 'focus' in the dictionary
If you focus on a particular topic or if your attention is focusedon it, you concentrate on it and think about it, discuss it, or deal with it, rather than dealing with other topics.