Johnny sat the Leaving Certificate and scraped a place doing arts at UCD.
O'Connor, Joe DESPERADOES (2004)
Never mind work, living where you live, you need martial arts.
Val McDermid DEAD BEAT (2004)
It could be the future of the arts.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Mine is also a plea for a serious approach to funding the arts.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
That he is good enough, mentally strong enough, to succeed without the dark arts?
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The project is part of the town's arts festival.
The Sun (2014)
They incline towards arts or sciences, but not always both.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Yes, the arts world does need a shake-up; the old order must change.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
All of which will strike everyone in the arts world as being self-evident improvements.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The young are the product of an education system indifferent to the arts.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Questions are perhaps the defining feature of the last century in the arts.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
It's not just in the highbrow arts that you find these spot-the-reference games.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
All related terms of 'arts'
Art consists of paintings, sculpture , and other pictures or objects which are created for people to look at and admire or think deeply about.
the arts
imaginative , creative , and nonscientific branches of knowledge considered collectively, esp as studied academically
arts degree
a degree in an arts subject
relating to the classical decorative style, esp that of the É cole des Beaux-Arts in Paris
black arts
→ the black arts
visual arts
the arts of painting , sculpting , photography , etc, as opposed to music, drama , and literature
applied arts
arts that are put to practical use
Arts Council
an organization that provides funding for a variety of arts activities
arts student
a person studying an arts subject
dramatic arts
the art of the writing and production of plays; drama
graphic arts
any of the fine or applied visual arts based on drawing or the use of line, as opposed to colour or relief , on a plane surface, esp illustration and printmaking of all kinds
language arts
the subjects taught in elementary and secondary schools for improving oral and written communication
liberal arts
At a university or college , liberal arts refers to subjects such as history or literature rather than science , law , medicine , or business .
martial arts
any of the traditional forms of Oriental self-defense or combat that utilize physical skill and coordination without weapons , as karate , aikido, judo , or kung fu, often practiced as sport
plastic arts
arts producing works or effects that are three-dimensional , as sculpture or ceramics
household arts
activities such as sewing , cooking, etc, that are conducted in the running of a household
industrial arts
a course that teaches students the skills they will need to work in industry
performing arts
Dance, drama, music , and other forms of entertainment that are usually performed live in front of an audience are referred to as the performing arts .
Master of Arts
A Master of Arts degree is the same as an → MA degree.
school of arts
a public building in a small town, originally one used for adult education
the black arts
magic used for evil purposes by invoking the power of the devil
op art
a style of abstract art chiefly concerned with the exploitation of optical effects such as the illusion of movement
pop art
Pop art is a style of modern art which began in the 1960s. It uses bright colours and takes a lot of its techniques and subject matter from everyday , modern life.
Arts and Crafts
decorative handicraft and design, esp that of the Arts and Crafts movement , in late nineteenth-century Britain, which sought to revive medieval craftsmanship
Bachelor of Arts
A Bachelor of Arts is a first degree in an arts or social science subject . In British English, it can also mean a person with that degree. The abbreviation → BA or B .A. is also used.
mixed martial arts
Mixed martial arts is a sport in which two people fight by hitting , kicking , and holding each other, both in a standing position and on the ground .
black art
→ black magic
body art
physical adornments such as tattoos and piercings
cave art
paintings and engravings on the walls of caves and rock-shelters, esp. naturalistic depictions of animals, produced by Upper Paleolithic peoples of western Europe between about 28,000 and 10,000 years ago
clip art
a large collection of simple drawings stored in a computer from which items can be selected for incorporation into documents
earth art
the artistic genre consisting of earthworks
fine art
Painting and sculpture, in which objects are produced that are beautiful rather than useful , can be referred to as fine art or as the fine arts .
folk art
the visual arts, music, drama , dance, or literature originating from, or traditional to, the ordinary people of a country
found art
art comprised of found objects
junk art
three-dimensional sculptures made of discarded or secondhand objects
land art
See earth art
noble art
→ the noble art
rock art
painting or engraving on rock
tramp art
folk art of the 19th and 20th centuries utilizing recycled found materials, as cedar or mahogany cigar boxes , shaped into containers, lamps , picture frames , or other objects by a technique involving the gluing or nailing together of successive thin layers of wood that are then whittled into intricate geometric designs to produce a protruding multifaceted surface
video art
a genre of art involving the use of video technology to produce videotapes for viewing on a television screen
patron of the arts
someone who acts as a patron to or supports charities , organizations, and individuals that work in or concern the arts
Royal Academy of Arts
→ the Royal Academy of Arts
calendar art
a type of sentimental , picturesque , or sexually titillating picture used on some calendars
kinetic art
art, esp sculpture , that moves or has moving parts
martial art
A martial art is one of the methods of fighting , often without weapons , that come from the Far East, for example kung fu, karate, or judo.
minimal art
abstract painting or sculpture in which expressiveness and illusion are minimized by the use of simple geometric shapes, flat colour, and arrangements of ordinary objects
outsider art
art produced by untutored artists working by themselves and for themselves
plastic art
an art, as sculpture , in which forms are carved or modeled
Bachelor of Arts degree
a degree conferred on a person who has successfully completed his or her undergraduate studies, usually in a branch of the liberal arts or humanities
commercial art
graphic art for commercial uses such as advertising , packaging , etc
Chinese translation of 'arts'
[graduate, student, course]文科 (wénkē)
See art
(u) (= paintings, sculpture etc) 艺(藝)术(術) (yìshù)
⇒ an exhibition of modern art一场现代艺术展 (yī chǎng xiàndài yìshùzhǎn)
(u) (= activity of drawing, painting etc) 美术(術) (měishù)
⇒ I've never been any good at art.我一向对美术不在行。 (Wǒ yīxiàng duì měishù bù zàiháng.)
(c) (= skill) 技艺(藝) (jìyì) (项, xiàng)
[exhibition, collection, student]艺(藝)术(術) (yìshù)
arts[graduate, student, course]文科 (wénkē)
work of art艺(藝)术(術)品 (yìshùpǐn)
the art of survival生存的技巧 (shēngcún de jìqiǎo)
Derived Forms
artsn pl
: the arts (= creative activities) 艺(藝)术(術)活动(動) (yìshù huódòng)
⇒ a patron of the arts一位艺术活动赞助人 (yī wèi yìshù huódòng zànzhùrén)
(in education) 文科 (wénkē)
Nearby words of
as (an) insurance against
Related terms of
the arts
Master of Arts
the martial arts
patron of the arts
All related terms of 'arts'
[ u ] ( paintings, sculpture etc ) 艺(藝)术(術) yìshù ⇒ an exhibition of modern art → 一场现代艺术展 yī chǎng xiàndài yìshùzhǎn
the arts
( creative activities ) 艺(藝)术(術)活动(動) yìshù huódòng ⇒ a patron of the arts → 一位艺术活动赞助人 yī wèi yìshù huódòng zànzhùrén